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Новые настройки SEEM'ов (для Р2кАЕ и др.), для новых платформ (L7e/K1/Z3/L9)

сообщение 26.2.2007, 19:30

Властелин колец

Группа: Почётные мотофаны
Сообщений: 835
Регистрация: 2.10.2004
Из: Смоленск
Пользователь №: 14 898
Модель телефона: iPhone 8
Прошивка: 11
Победитель конкурса 2008

денег нет, но мы держимся тут...

Рейтинг: 643

Последние дополнения отмечены.
Добавьте в файл 0032_001_Russian.csv:

80 Возможность блокировать метки ( 1 Вкл 0 Откл )
508;Юникод в SMS ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
621; Достаточно отключить этот бит для просмотра сайтов ч/з стандарт. браузр (например, ( 1 Вкл 0 Откл )
676;Максимальное количество сетевых меток 50/30 ( 1 Вкл 0 Откл )
787;Параметри > Подключение >SuncML Синхронизация ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
804; Настр. Email сообщ. >Настр. учет. записи> Устан. учет. записи >Защита телефона ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
809; Инструменты > IM Сообщения ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
972; включает и отключает поддержку вспышки на z3 ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
986;Параметры - Состояние телефона - опция [Обновление ПО] (1-вкл,0-откл)
996;В списке Java Меню - опция [Включить защиту] (1-вкл,0-откл)
1104;Включение вспышки в режиме видоискателя кнопкой "*" (Z3) (1-вкл, 0-откл)
1163;Длинное нажатие кнопки камеры активирует видеокамеру, но короткое нажатие не реагирует (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1172;Автовыключение блютуз (1 вкл 0 откл) - выключите его.
1175;Меню Последние вызовы (1-вкл,0-откл)
1176;Параметры > Состояние телефона (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1177;Параметры > Личные настройки (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1178;Параметры > Сеть оператора (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1179;Параметры > Стили оповещений (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1180;Параметры > Защита телефона (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1181;Параметры > Основная Настройка (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1183;Главное меню > Сообщения (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1184;Параметры > Настройка для Авто (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1185;Параметры > Настройка Гарнитуры (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1187;Параметры > Настройка Вызова (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1188 Главное меню > Справочник (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1189 Инструменты > Метки (требуются редактирование mma_ucp ) ( 1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1190;Параметры > Сеть оператора > Сигнал соединения (1-вкл,0-откл)
1195;Пункт меню "Активный вызов"(1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1198;Настройки интернет > Закладки (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1214;Возобновление прерванной закачки браузером (1-вкл,0-откл)
1228; Аналоговые часы на внешнем экране (for K1) (1-вкл,0-откл)
1232;Параметры > Настройка вызовов > Варианты ответа > Задержанный ответ (1-вкл,0-откл)
1236;Прозрачные иконки управления картинками и надписи (Размер, дата) (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1242;Возможность просмотреть снятое видео перед сохранением или отправкой (1-просмотр и сохранение,0-только сохранение)
1273;Полноэкранный просмотр изображений (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-вкл,0-отк)
1274;Не переключать стили вызова при подключении кабеля (1-вкл,0-откл)
1276;Возможность создавать EMS (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-откл,0-ВКЛ)
1294;Ежедневник > Настройка > лунный календарь (1-вкл,0-откл)
1298;Настр. Email сообщений> Фильтр SPAM ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
1301;Предпросмотр картинок мозаикой 2х2 (1-вкл,0-откл)
1317;Сообщения > Варианты > Переместить в важные (1-вкл,0-выкл)
1338;Сообщение > Настройки > Фильтр SPAM (1-вкл,0-откл)
1339;Доступно уведомление о спам-сообщениях (1-вкл,0-откл)
1341;Сообщения > Настройка > Инфо > Быстрый просмотр (1-откл,0-ВКЛ)
1363;Подключение > MOTOSYNC > Обмен данными (1-вкл,0-откл)
1365;Параметры -> Основная настройка -> Время и дата -> Установка оператором -> Только время (1-вкл,0-откл)
1395;Records automatically using Voice Msg (1-вкл,0-откл)
1431;Установление сигнала вызова от внешнего устройства памяти. (0-только с телефона, 1-и с тела и с флеш)
1439;При подключении к USB показывать на экране индикатор: модем или карта памяти (и сообщение: "Отсоедините кабель..") (1-показывать,0-не показывать)
1440;Сохранение последних получателей сообщений (1-не сохранять, 0-сохранять)
1442;Настр. Email сообщений> Штамп врем. эл.п ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
1446;Таймер блокировки клавиатуры (при заблокированной клавиатуре отключена кнопка ОК) (1-вкл,0-откл)
1480;Личные настройки > Заголовки (для Screen3) (1-вкл,0-откл)
1481;Параметры > Основная настройка > Выделение текста (1-вкл,0-откл)
1483;Отчет о доставке СМС по умолчанию (бит 1276 должен быть выкл) (1-вкл,0-выкл)
1491;Если ВКЛЮЧЕНО, когда флип закрыт и аудиоплеер, играет в фоне, пользователь может управлять плеером (1-вкл,0-выкл)
1511;Выбор устройства хранения (телефон/карта) в Мультимедии и Яве (1-общий список,0-разделенный)(бит 1512 должен быть ВЫКЛ)
1513;Возможность разговаривать (по внутреннему динамику) при закрытом слайдере (Z3) (1-вкл,0-откл)
1515;Параметры > Личные > Параметры звука (проговаривает имена контактов и цифры при наборе) (1-вкл,0-откл)
1526;Иконки или список в подменю (1-иконки,0-список)
2128;Убрать надпись EDGE с экрана (бит 2129 должен быть вкл) (1-вкл,0-откл)
2129;Убрать надпись EDGE с экрана (бит 2128 должен быть вкл) (1-вкл,0-откл)

Файлы 0032_001:
Прикрепленный файл 0032_0001.rar   ( 89.08 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 6755

Добавьте в файл 004A_001_Russian.csv:

616;"Работа телефона без SIM-карты (1-выкл,0-вкл)"
3488;"Сортировка файлов - по имени или по времени (0-по имени, 1-по времени)"
3584;"Статический экран загрузки (00-Hellomoto, 01-Часики, 02-CMCC)"
3944;"Стиль звонка при удержании '#' (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-офис,2-вибро,3-вибро->звонок,4-бесшумный,5-вибро и звонок)"
4152;"Зарядка по USB (L6,L7,V360)(1-вкл,0-выкл)"
4216;"Пункт 'Новая картинка' в конце списка картинок (1-в конце, 0-в начале)"
4288;"Наличие оператора и даты на основном экране (00-убрать, 01-показать)"
4344;"Сортировка тел. книги (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-по фамилии,0-по имени)"
4496;"Сообщения > Настройка текст сообщ > Фильтр по SPAM (0-Выкл; 1-Вкл)"
4552;"Включение диктофона (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-включено,0-отключено)"
4856;"Наличие часов на основном экране (00-показать, 01-убрать)"
4952;"Запись видео с разрешением 352x288 (!на карту памяти!) (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-доступно,0-недоступно)"
5600;"AIM - Максимальное ожидание сервером AOL"
Внимание! Бит 616;"Работа телефона без SIM-карты (1-выкл,0-вкл)" НЕ ПОЗВОЛИТ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ ТЕЛЕФОН КАК МОДЕМ!!! Выход в инет будет только с самого телефона. Будьте осторожны!!!

Файлы 004A_001:
Прикрепленный файл 004A_0001.rar   ( 20.48 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 4967

Добавьте в файл 004E_001_Russian.csv:

1568;Max. время поиска устройств по BT
1600;Min. время поиска устройств по BT
1776;"значения в сек. для выбора автоблокировки клавиатуры"
5600;"Число цифр для сравнения номера звонящего с записью в справочнике"
8320;"Максимальный размер видеофайла при записи на карту памяти в байтах"
8352;"Максимальная продолжительность видеофайла при записи на карту памяти в секундах"
8416;"Максимальный размер видеофайла при записи на память телефона в байтах"
8448;"Максимальная продолжительность видеофайла при записи на память телефона в секундах"
9024;"Сжатие в фотокамере. Максимальное значение 64 (hex) или 100 (dec)"
11008;"Время доступности телефона для обнаружения по Bluetooth в минутах (1 или 3)"
11648;"Максимальный размер файла голосовой записи на карту памяти в байтах"
11712;"Максимальный размер файла голосовой записи на память телефона в байтах"

Файлы 004E_001:
Прикрепленный файл 004E_0001.rar   ( 6.47 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 3762


Как применить настройки. Инструкция на примере Р2к АЕ
Как применить настройки. Инструкция от grudovik на примере P2k Tools 3. ПОНЯТНЕЕ НЕКУДА!

SEEM, отличные от 0032, 004А и 004Е правим программами UniМoto или P2k Tools 3.

Скачать P2k Tools 3
Скачать UniМoto
Скачать P2k AE
Библиотека для корректной работы Р2к АЕ:
Прикрепленный файл p2kapi2.rar   ( 5.32 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 9297

Все ВОЗНИКШИЕ вопросы удаляются после их решения. Все глупые или ответ на которые есть на форуме - немедленно!

Пополняйте - и да воздасться вам плюсов! Но не забудьте оформить так, как в шапке!

Сообщение отредактировал ShaDReaS - 10.12.2009, 18:29
Прикрепленный файл 004E_0001.rar   ( 6.47 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 3762
Прикрепленный файл 004A_0001.rar   ( 20.48 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 4967
Прикрепленный файл 0032_0001.rar   ( 89.08 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 6755
Прикрепленный файл p2kapi2.rar   ( 5.32 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 9297
Юзер вышелВ друзьяВизиткаП/Я
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сообщение 20.7.2007, 13:46


Группа: Легенды MotoFan.Ru
Сообщений: 10 329
Регистрация: 20.7.2004
Пользователь №: 8 235
Модель телефона: Moto
Прошивка: *#9999#

Все невыспавшиеся в следующей жизни будут котами

Рейтинг: 4362

Это Моторола молодец и RekGRpth что записал

1395;"VOICEMSG_AUTORECORD_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit would determine the availability of the Auto
start for recording while using MMA Audio capture app. Voice Message uses MMA Audio capture App (12971)
for recording voice notes. The MMA Audio capture app can be invoked either directly in "Auto start" mode or
in "Ready to record" mode. In "Auto Record" as soon as MMA Audio capture app will immediately start capturing the video without any explicit invocation from user. While in "Ready to record" mode the user will
have to explicitly press a soft key in order to start the recording. If the feature id is SET the MMA will be invoked in "Auto start" mode else in "Ready to record" mode

1396;"VOICEMSG_FWD_OPTIONAL_SUBJECT_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit would determine whether an Optional subject dialog should appear while forwarding a voice message. This optional subject dialog will
allow the user to enter the subject even while forwarding a message. If this Optional subject dialog is not
there the old subject will be send with a prefix "Fwd: ". If the feature id is set, the Optional subject dialog should appear else not.

1397;"SIDEKEY_LOCK_AVAILABLE";/* For 3G only. The Side Keys Guard feature 13329 consists of adding
Side Keys Lock functionality to all clam shell phones. Presently clam shell phones lack keypad lock as well as side keys lock. When the Side Keys Lock is turned on, and the flip of the clam shells is closed, the side keys will be locked. This feature will not add keypad lock functionality to clam shell phones.Candy Bar phones possess the keypad lock functionality. The keypad lock, when enabled, locks the keypad as well as all side keys, in Candy Bar phones.

1398;"CHECK_WEB_SESSION_PLMN_CODES_AVAILABLE";/* This feature-id enables/disable TRS11405
feature: if there is no default websession is set on the phone, the phone should determine automatically what session to use when browser application is launched based on comparison of PLMN codes and GID1
value read form SIM card against the PLMN codes and GID1 associated with each web session record. If only one match is found,then thematched session should be used for establishing the connection. This feature should be enabled for GSM product, therefore the default value for

1399;"NUMERICAL_DIGIT_USSD_AVAILABLE";/* Most of the "Network Initiated USSD Operations" requires

data in NUMERICAL form, current implementation user has to press # key to switch to NUMERICAL mode of

input. With this new Feature ID the default Entry Method SHALL be set to NUMERICAL.Currently this feature
is requested by PRC(China Mobile Communications Corporation ("CMCC")). Its default value SHALL be ON. This is availability feature id.

1400;"EMAIL_SZ_RESTRICTION_EXTENDED_AVAILABLE";/* Enables/disables support of 14792 (extended

size restriction field) to support 64M size restriction limit - if OFF - old functionality with 64K size restriction
limit will be supported.

1401;"TEXT_MEMO_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id describes if the new application "Notes"(Text Memo)should be available on the phone or not. If this feature id is set to On then the Text Memo application will be visible in the main menu.

1402;"HOLIDAYS_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id describes if the Holidays functionality added as part of this
feature will be available. It is possible to pre-load the holiday data on the phone. If the Holidays functionality
is available, then the holidays will be shown in a different color in the datebook monthview, weekview, etc.

1403;"TEXT_MEMO_LOCK_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id describes if lock is available for text memo application or not.

1404;"JEDITOR_VFKK_FUNCTIONALITY_AVAILABLE";/* For 3G only This flex bit is used to determine some detail of Japanese Editor (feature 13323 that has in mind to enhance Japanese Text Entry) functionality

based on provider (DoCoMo & VodafoneKK). The issue with confirmation notice on editor exit is going to be
fixed by browser team under this ID for VodafoneKK (no Motorola browser is used for DoCoMo). If flex is ON issue mentioned will be fixed. If flex is OFF there are no any change of behavior.

1405;"PP_PHBK_WVIM_INTEGRATION_AVAILABLE";/* WVIM will be integrated with Phonebook App,this
means that in a Phonebook entry user can add IM ID. It is different from presence be integrated which will

display a presence icon in the phonebook. PP stands for the Presence Provider component which will be responsible for the integration.

1406;"PP_PHBK_PTT_INTEGRATION_AVAILABLE";/* PTT will be integrated with Phonebook App, this means
that in a Phonebook entry user can enabled for PTT. It is different from presence be integrated which will
display a presence icon in the phonebook. PP stands for the Presence Provider component which will be responsible for the integration.

1407;"PHBK_MIXED_CHINESE_AND_ENGLISH_SORT_AVAILABLE";/* Currently in Phonebook all English
entries are sorted at one place and then follow all Chinese entries sorted. When this feature is turned on,
the entries are mixed up without any such grouping. So, there can be 2 English entries followed by 2 Chinese entries and English entries again and so on .When the feature is turned off, then, the default
behavior is followed

1408;"LOCAL_SYNC_FEATURE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature is used to exchange data over Local Transport(e.g Bluetooth IRDA etc) using OBEX Protocol. For this feature Syncml will be initiated from the PC only.
Data objects which can synchronized are Datebook,contacts etc.

1409;"ROGERS_WIRELESS_ALS_ACTIVE_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if the Rogers

Wireless's ALS Active Line and Call Forward Icons in Status Bar are available or not.There is other flex bit for ALS - DUAL_LINE_PHONE_AVAILABLE but it is not enough, because of feature description. New flexbit
ROGERS_WIRELESS_ALS_ACTIVE_AVAILABLE defines if the carrier is Rogers Wireless. If carrier is "Rogers Wireless" it should be ON. If carrier is NOT "Rogers Wireless" it should be OFF.

1410;"EXCHG_ACTIVE_SYNC_LOCK_AVAILABLE";/* This flex value is used to determine whether the Exchange Active Sync app can be locked by the user

1411;"BROWSER_SCROLL_SPEED_EDITABLE_AVAILABLE";/* The Page scroll speed setting option will appear in Web access Menu

1412;"BROWSER_NO_SAVE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature is for not allowing to save image from Browser page which has images when image tag's attribute alt = "no_save". This fetaure of disabling save image by checking image's alt attribute is flexable.

1413;"BROWSER_DELETE_ON_SIM_REMOVAL_AVAILABLE";/* If this feature id is set to ON then browser will

delete cache, cookies, history and visited links from file system when the SIM card in the phone is changed.

If this feature id is set to OFF then browser will not delete cache, cookies, history and visited links from file system even when SIM card in the phone is changed.

1414;"PTT_KODIAK_AVAILABLE";/* If available, the Kodiak PTT functionality will be available including the PTT key, PTT option in Main Menu, PTT contact list, PTT calling, and PTT self-presence icons.

1415;"PTT_USER_ACTIVATE_AVAILABLE";/* If available, the user will be prompted to activate Kodiak AVS (PTT) services. If not available, the handset will attempt to activate Kodiak AVS services without user interaction.

1416;"PTT_CALL_ME_ALERT_AVAILABLE";/* If available,the Kodiak PTT Call-Me Alert feature shallbefunctional

1417;"PTT_BUDDY_ALERT_AVAILABLE";/* If available, the Kodiak PTT Buddy Alert feature shall be functional

1418;"PTT_DISPLAY_SUCCESS_NOTICES_AVAILABLE";/* If available, the PTT notices indicating successful status will be displayed to user.

1419;"PTT_CONTACTS_CSM_PTT_SETTINGS_AVAILABLE";/* If available, the PTT Settings option will be available in the PTT Contact List context sensitive menu (CSM)

1420;"PTT_CONTACTS_CSM_PENDING_INVITES_AVAILABLE";/* If available, the PTT Pending Invites option will be available in the PTT Contact List context sensitive menu (CSM)

1421;"PTT_OPEN_TO_SETTING_AVAILABLE";/* If available, the Open-To PTT menu setting will be available in the PTT menu application

1422;"PTT_SORT_BY_SETTING_AVAILABLE";/* If available,the Sort-By menu item will be available in the PTT menu

1423;"QUICKSEND_AVAILABLE";/* Quick Send feature will allow the user to send media files to apredefined recipient via the Quick Send functionality using MMS transport

1424;"QUICKSEND_COMPOSER_AVAILABLE";/* Controls composer availability when composing Quick Send message. If this value is "on" then message composer will be brought up when user select "send to XXX" menu item from after capture options menu

1425;"BROWSER_AUTORUN_AVAILABLE";/* This bit will indicate that if browser launch index page on
memory card automatically during card injection. If this bit set to 1, browser will be automatically launched when a memory card with index file is attached to handset; if 0,browser will not be automatically launched.

1426;"SECRET_MODE_AVAILABLE";/* For 3G only This flex bit is used to determine if secret mode feature is available. When this bit is on,secret data menu item will be present in the security menu. User can select show/hide from secret data menu. When user selects 'show' secret data, he will be able to edit/view secret entries in phonebook/datebook

1427;"MSG_FONT_SIZE_AVAILABLE";/* User will be able to set the font size for visualizing messages being read or created and it this feature is flexible. When it is flexed on, user will be able to change the font size. If it is flexed off, user will not be able to change the font size.

1428;"SYNCMLDM_CLIENT_INITIATED_SESSION_AVAILABLE";/* This Feature ID decides if the device
supports Client Initiated Sessions. If the Feature is turned ON: The Software Update menu shall display another list item 'Check Server'IF any FOTA Capable Server is available on the phone If the Feature is
turned OFF: The Software Update menu SHALL NOT display any 'Check Server' list item in ANY condition.

1429;"DCM_AUTOUPDATE_TIMEZONE_NOTICE_AVAILABLE";/* DoCoMo requires new functionality for autoupdate and timezone.If user changes the Autoupdate setting from Off/Time Only to Time and Timezone
or On, then a transient needs to be displayed which says "This change to Auto Update will also update calendar events etc.

1430;"PDP_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_AVAILABLE";/* This new elements is required for a urgent cingular
requirement to implement inactivity timer in MMINS to watch the data activity for Key largo phones. The
feature is required to make inactivity timer network specific, For some of the network if this id is set to available then the Inactivity timer function ality, will be used and timer will be started to watch the data
activity and if there is no data activity for the timeout period then the session will be terminated,where as if
this feature id is set to not available for some of the network then the inactivity timer functionality will not be used and timer will not be started,session will not terminate for any timeout

1431;"EXTERNAL_MEMORY_RINGTONES_AVAILABLE";/* Indicates whether ringtones are allowed to be set from an external memory device.

1432;"BT_A2DP_AVAILABLE";/* To enable/disable the bluetooth A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution
Profiles) feature. When the feature is enabled, the handset will support the following functionality:- stream
stereo audio over Bluetooth to a remote device. - Provide an option to use bluetooth from the media player
menu. When the feature is disabled, the handset - will not allow streaming stereo audio over Bluetooth to a remote device. - Will not provide an option to use Bluetooth from the media player menu.

1433;"BT_AVRCP_AVAILABLE";/* To enable/disable the bluetooth AVRCP (Audio Video Remove Control Profile) feature. When this feature is enabled, it will be possible to connect a Remote Control device to the
handset over Bluetooth and send remote control commands to control media player functions on the
handset. For example, when media player is playing a file, the user can press the PAUSE control from a
remote control through Bluetooth and pause the streaming. When this feature is disabled, it will not be possible to connect a Remote Control device to the handset over Bluetooth. Further, the remote control device cannot control media player functions on the handset over Bluetooth.

1434;"MMS_POSTCARD_SERVICE_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit would determine if the MMS Postcard option is available as a service to the user as a part of the Telefonica Postcard services. If the flex bit is set then the service would be available. If it is not set then the service is not available. The phone would display the telefonica menu options, when this is chosen.

1435;"MMS_PHOTO_STICKER_SERVICE_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit would determine if the Photo Sticker option is available as a service to the user as a part of the Telefonica Postcard services. If the flex bit is set

then the service would be available. If it is not set then the service is not available. The Photo sticker would appear as one of the menu in the postcard types screen.

1436;"MMS_PHOTO_ID_CARDX4_SERVICE_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit would determine if the Photo Id card
(4 copies) option is available as a service to the user as a part of the Telefonica Postcard services. If the
flex bit is set then the service would be available. If it is not set then the service is not available. The Photo
ID cardx4 would appear as one of the menu items in the postcard types screen.

1437;"MMS_PHOTO_ID_CARDX8_SERVICE_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit would determine if the Photo Id card
(8 copies) option is available as a service to the user as a part of the Telefonica Postcard services. If the
flex bit is set then the service would be available. If it is not set then the service is not available. The Photo ID cardx8 would appear as one of the menu items in the postcard types screen

1438;"MMS_PHOTO_10X15_SERVICE_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit would determine if the Photo ( of 10x15 resolution) option is available as a service to the user as a part of the Telefonica Postcard services. If the flex bit is set then the service would be available. If it is not set then the service is not available. The Photo 10x15 would appear as one of the menu items in the postcard types screen.

1439;"USB_STATE_IND_AVAILABLE";/* When "on", this feature will cause an icon and associated idle screen text to appear on the display to indicate whether the GSM phone is enumerated as a modem or a mass storage device. This satisfies a Midway requirement, as indicated in the FAD and TRS. When "off", the
behavior will be the same as before this feature was added. Currently, only Midway will have this feature enabled. The flex just needs to be created.

1440;"MF_MR_FILTER_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id used to determine whether the feature 10320 is flexed ON or OFF.There will be a state feature id which will determine whether Most Frequent(MF) Setting is ON or Most Recent(MR) setting is ON.

1441;"CAMERA_HARD_KEY_AVAILABLE";/* Indicates what type of idle screen CORElet is installed in the
phone - HSA. This flex bit will be use HSA appication for tell the difference between phone with camera hard key and without camera hard key

1442;"EMAIL_SERVER_TIMESTAMP_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id will manage presence of ""Email Time
Stamp"" field. Flex On: Enables ""Email Time Stamp"" field to allow selection of message timestamp used for sort by time. Flex Off: ""Email Time Stamp"" will be hidden from user and message sorting will occur by phone timestamp."

1443;"MF_ANIMATIONS_FOLDER_AVAILABLE";/* When enabled (1), the Animations folder is included in MediaFinder Top. SVG and Flash files are tagged as animations. When disabled, SVG and Flash files are treated as videos.

1444;"MF_GAMES_FOLDER_AVAILABLE";/* When enabled, GAMES and APPS entries are included in MediaFinder top level list. When disabled, GAMES and APPS does not appear in MediaFinder top level list.

1445;"MF_THEMES_FOLDER_AVAILABLE";/* When enabled, the Themes entry is included in the MediaFinder top level list When disabled, THEMES does not appear in the Media Finder top level list.

1446;"KEYPAD_LOCK_TIMER_AVAILABLE";/* Inactivity Driven Keypad Lock"" feature will be flexible. The availability bit is used to check if the feature is ON or OFF.

1447;"IDLE_SEARCHING_EONLY_AVAILABLE";/* When the phone is camping on emergency network, idle screen will show searching.. if the flex bit is turned on, and show Emergency Only when this flex bit is turned off.

1448;"IDLE_NOSERVICE_USIM_AVAILABLE";/* When the phone powers on with an unregistered SIM card, idle screen will show No Service if the flex bit is turned on and show Unregistered SIM when this flex bit is turned off.

1449;"IDLE_SEARCHING_NSERVICE_AVAILABLE";/* When no GSM carriers are detected, idle screen will show Searching... if the flex bit is turned on, and show No Service when this flex bit is turned off.

1450;"ENHANCED_RECENT_DIAL_AVAILABLE";/* This ID will be required to indicate whether the 13274 is available in the phonebook or not.

1451;"MMC_BURST_CAPTURE_AVAILABLE";/* Burst photo mode allows the user to quickly capture a series of photos with one press of the capture button.

1452;"USB_SETTINGS_AVAILABLE";/* This feature requires that we add a "Netmon" option to the
existing "USB Settings" menu in the phone. Currently, this menu is made visible when USB mass storage is
enabled on the phone, but since we're adding a new option that is completely independent of mass storage,
we need a new flex bit to indicate whether the menu should be visible. This way, whether the menu appears
can be controlled independently of a particular feature set. The menu is generally accessed via Main Menu->Settings->Connection->USB Settings

1453;"MME_TEXT_LOGGER_AVAILABLE";/* Multimedia Engine Text logger. This would enable or disable additional logging by merely changing a flex bit

1454;"STREAMING_GPRS_NETWORK_AVAILABLE";/* Indicates whether RTSP streaming is allowed when connected to a GPRS network. When set (1) the application will stream data over a GPRS network. When cleared (0) the application will not allow streaming over a GPRS network.

1455;"INCLUDE_BS_FOR_INTERROGATE_AVAILABLE";/* If this feature ID is flexed ON basic service shall be sent in the interrogation procedure to the network otherwise not

1456;"CLI_WALLPAPER_AVAILABLE";/* To control the availability of wallpaper on color CLI. When feature ID is ON wallpaper will be displayed on the CLI when Flip Closed When feature ID is OFF wallpaper will not be displayed on the CLI when Flip Closed

1457;"CLI_DATE_LINE_AVAILABLE";/* To control the availability of Date Line(Region where the Date is displayed) on the CLI. When this feature ID is ON Date will be displayed on the CLI When this feature ID is OFF Date will not be displayed on the CLI

1458;"BACKLIGHT_ON_PARTIAL_DISPLAY_TIMEOUT_AVAILABLE";/* To control the availability of backlight
during the partial display timeout mode(During the partial timeout mode all the pixels in the display glass will be turned off except the region where the Time is displayed to reduce the power consumption)

1459;"MARQUEE_IN_MULTIMEDIA_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if marquee of text
should be available in Multimedia element.This is required because video decoding will take most of the
mips of processor and mips might not be available for marquee.So if marquee in multimedia element is not smooth,this feature will be turned off.

1460;"FLASH_CIF_CAPTURE_AVAILABLE";/* If the bit is turned on, it will be possible to capture CIF resolution videos on the phone memory. This is necessary because some phones might have performance issues in record CIF videos to the flash.

1461;"OPERATOR_DIAL_IN_IDLE_ONLY_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit will impact the phone's operation only

when it is operating in the frequency bands: 1900, 850, or 850/1900. Upon dialing ""0+SEND"", with this new feature ID bit: (OPERATOR_DIAL_IN_IDLE_ONLY_AVAILABLE) When it in ON: A call with the number
as ""0"" is raised only when, the phone is in IDLE state. If the phone is not in IDLE state the behavior will be

as per GSM specification. When it in OFF: A call with the number as ""0"" is raised, when phone has one held
call. A call with the number as ""0"" is raised, when it is in IDLE state. In all other states, the behavior will be
as per GSM specification This feature id will be set to ON for cingular network only and for all the other networks the value of the feature id will be set to OFF.

1462;"MEDIA_EDITOR_FROM_CAMERA_AVAILABLE";/* The Media Editor is a new application that allows the
user to edit image/video/audio files (initially images only will be supported). The application can only be
invoked from other applications(such as Picture Viewer) as a service (it cannot start stand-alone).

1463;"SINGLE_VOLUME_KEY_AVAILABLE";/* Single Volume Key"" feature will be flexible. The availability bit is used to check if the feature is ON or OFF. ""This feature will provide a new functionality for the candy bar type phones. Pressing the Single Volume Key shall behave the same way as pressing the Up/Down Volume keys on a phone that has 2 volume keys. The Single Volume Key shall adjust volume, silence alerts, dismiss dialogs and mute audio in an MMS.

1464;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_BORDERS_ONSCREEN_AVAILABLE";/* If this flex bit is on, the Media Editor
application will show borders edit operation as on-screen operation (edit operation will be available at the
main media editor screen). If off - borders edit operation will be menu option (edit operation will be available in options menu).

1465;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_DISTORTS_AVAILABLE";/* The Media Editor application supports adding the distortions to the image (e.g. "Blur" / "Inflate" / "Pinch" etc...). When flex is enabled this edit option will be shown at the Media Editor application main screen.

1466;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_STYLE_SEPIA_AVAILABLE";/* The Media Editor application supports the "Sepia" style effect on images. When flex is enabled this edit option will be shown at the Media Editor application main screen.

1467;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_STYLE_NEGATIVE_AVAILABLE";/* The Media Editor application supports the "Negative" style effect on images. When flex is enabled this edit option will be shown at the Media Editor application main screen.

1468;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_STYLE_BW_AVAILABLE";/* The Media Editor application supports the "Black
and White" style effect on images. When flex is enabled this edit option will be shown at the Media Editor
application main screen.

1469;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_STYLE_RED_AVAILABLE";/* The Media Editor application supports the "Tint red" style effect on images. When flex is enabled this edit option will be shown at the Media Editor application main screen.

1470;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_STYLE_GREEN_AVAILABLE";/* The Media Editor application supports the "Tint green" style effect on images. When flex is enabled this edit option will be shown at the Media Editor application main screen.

1471;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_STYLE_BLUE_AVAILABLE";/* The Media Editor application supports the "Tint blue" style effect on images. When flex is enabled this edit option will be shown at the Media Editor application main screen.

1472;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_MIRROR_ONSCREEN_AVAILABLE";/* If this flex bit is on, the Media Editor application will show mirror edit operation as on-screen operation (edit operation will be available at the main media editor screen). If off - mirror edit operation will be menu option (edit operation will be available in options menu).

1473;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_STYLES_ONSCREEN_AVAILABLE";/* If this flex bit is on, the Media Editor application will show styles edit operation as on-screen operation (edit operation will be available at the main media editor screen). If off - styles edit operation will be menu option (edit operation will be available in options menu).

1474;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_BRIGHTNESS_ONSCREEN_AVAILABLE";/* If this flex bit is on, the Media Editor application will show brightness edit operation as on-screen operation (edit operation will be available at the main media editor screen). If off - brightness edit operation will be menu option (edit operation will be available in options menu).

1475;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_CONTRAST_ONSCREEN_AVAILABLE";/* If this flex bit is on, the Media Editor application will show contrast edit operation as on-screen operation (edit operation will be available at the main media editor screen). If off - contrast edit operation will be menu option (edit operation will be available in options menu).

1476;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_SHARPNESS_ONSCREEN_AVAILABLE";/* If this flex bit is on, the Media Editor application will show sharpness edit operation as on-screen operation (edit operation will be available at the main media editor screen). If off - sharpness edit operation will be menu option (edit operation will be available in options menu).

1477;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_ROTATE_ONSCREEN_AVAILABLE";/* If this flex bit is on, the Media Editor application will show rotate edit operation as on-screen operation (edit operation will be available at the main media editor screen). If off - rotate edit operation will be menu option (edit operation will be available in options menu).

1478;"NEW_SYNCML_USERAGENT_AVAILABLE";/* If this feature id is enabled Sync ML DS will use the user agent information provided by the browser API instead of using the hard coded user agent

1479;"IMAGEBORDER_AVAILABLE";/* Sets availability of Image Borders FTR 7897. Pre-capture Image borders 7897 allows user to put borders such as hearts, flowers, balloons, etc before capturing in Camera.

1480;"PERSONALIZE_HEADLINES_AVAILABLE";/* (for 3G Only) If this flex bit is ON, the Headlines menu item will be available.

1481;"MARQUEE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature is for marquee of the text,when the text is truncated.An entry is to be provided for this in the Initial Setup.This is going to be flexible based on the availability value of the feature id.

1482;"CARRIER_TASK_STATUS_OPTIONS_AVAILABLE";/* OFF - show only two options - complete and incomplete. ON -- show various options as per earlier implementation or carrier specific one.

1483;"MESSAGE_RECEIPT_ON_AVAILABLE";/* This Feature ID indicates the default value for the receipt report. When it has the value 1 (on), it indicates that the default value for the receipt report is Yes. When it has the value 0 (off), it indicates that the default value for the receipt report is No.

1484;"FWL_ICON_LOGIC_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if a key icon should be displayed or not in front of a forward locked (fwl) content name. An item is fwl, which means the content can only be used by its owner in the device it was downloaded. Some carrier wants to display the key icon, while others do not want to display.

1485;"AWS_UI_FOR_TTY_MO_CALL_AVAILABLE";/* This available bit is to check if the AWS recommended TTY MO call implementation is need. If it is flexed on, AWS recommended TTY MO call UI is implemented. If it is flexed off, no need of AWS recommended TTY MO call UI implementation.

1486;"SIM_ECC_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether SIM ECC feature is available or not.

1487;"SIM_ECC_REPLACEMENT_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether emergency numbers in phone will be replaced by SIM ECC numbers.

1488;"OTA_RETAIL_MKT_AVAILABLE";/* This feature bit will turn on and off based on whether the product is

for retail markets or not. Based on the market type different prompts shall be displayed.If this new Feature

DB is turned on then the prompt will be displayed as ""Motorola: has sent a software upgrade to your device"". when it is off it shall display "" Carrier has sent a software upgrade to your device

1489;"IDLE_DISPLAY_SEARCHING_AVAILABLE";/* When this flex bit is enabled, idle screen will show ""Searching…"" instead of ""Emergency Only"" when camping on emergency network; show ""No

Service"" rather than ""Unregistered SIM"" when an unregistered SIM card is detected; show ""Searching…

instead of ""No Service"" and an ""x"" next to antenna when no carrier is detected. This flex bit is mutual exclusive from IDLE_SEARCHING_EONLY_AVAILABLE | IDLE_NOSERVICE_USIM_AVAILABLE | IDLE_SEARCHING_NSERVICE_AVAILABLE. Say, if this flex bit is turned on, the other 3 flex bits MUST be
turned off by the flex team. If either of the 3 flex bits is turned on, this one MUST be turned off by flex
team.E.g. if IDLE_NOSERVICE_USIM_AVAILABLE is turned on, the phone will show ""No Service"" rather
than ""Unregistered SIM"" when an unregistered SIM card is detected, while the signal strength, antenna icon and other texts remain unchanged.

1491;"MMC_AP_CLI_PLAYER_AVAILABLE";/* If ON, when the flip is closed and the audio player is running in
background, the user can control the player behavior (pause/stop/play/forward/rewind and volume +/-) with CLI feedbacks of song/playlist being played (author, title, remaining time...). If OFF, there is no user
control of native MP3 player running in background.

1492;"STREAMING_SURE_STREAM_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether sure stream is Enabled or not. Sure stream is for calculating available bandwidth and switch accordingly.This is client intiated switching. Provide range for "Value" Data Type (e.g. 1 to 255):

1493;"LIVE_STRMG_VID_HACK_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether We Need to Enable The Vidiator Server Hack or not. Vidiator server in H3G was sending the same sequence number in all the PLAY responses in Live stremaing. so ignore the sequence number when this feature ids is enabled.

1494;"STREAMING_STOP_AS_TEARDOWN_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether Stop is implemented as Teardown or not. During streaming if user stops the streaming, some customers
wants to close the current streaming session ( By sending teardown ) and others don’t want to send and can
use the same session for next operations also. This feature id is used to determine whether we need to send the Teardown or not.

1495;"STREAMING_REAL_RECONNECT_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether Real
Reconnect is Enabled or not. If we are doing real streaming and because of some problem connection not established with the server and client can automatically connect ( without user pressing connect ) again to the server. This feature is used to determine whether real re-connect is available or not.

1496;"STREAMING_LOW_LATENCY_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether LOW LATENCY Feature is Enabled or not.During a live broadcast, a viewer experiences a latency of approximately

10 seconds between the time events occur and when they display in RealPlayer. Although this amount of
latency is acceptable in most circumstances, it may be too long in certain cases, such as video-conferencing

or a Web broadcast synchronized to a television event. In these cases, you can lower the end-to-end broadcast latency to as low as two seconds. But if data packets are lost on the network, the broadcast is
more likely to stutter. This feature id is used to determine whether this feature is supported or not.

1497;"STREAMING_RATE_ADAPTATION_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether 3GPP Rate Adaptation Feature Enabled or not. If available bandwidth calculations will be done and accordingly streaming switches to suitable bit rate.

1498;"STREAMING_HELIX_ADAPTATION_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether HELIX Adaptation Feature Enabled or not. Helix-Adaptation is a rate adaptation mechanism implemented by the Helix Streaming Server. It is aimed at providing an adaptation mechanism mainly for RealMedia content but can also work for 3gp media content.

1499;"STREAMING_SEPARATE_APN_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether Seperate APN Enabled or not. Browser will use APN in its web-sessions. Normally there is only one APN which is used
for both browsing as well as Streaming. But with this the operator will not be able to make out the difference between them. Thus we have to support a separate APN for streaming

1500;"STREAMING_VF_IT_SPECIFIC_UA_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether we need to Generate a VF ITALY Specific User Agent or not. VF_IT_SPECIFIC_UA_AVAILABLE and VF_KK_SPECIFIC_UA_AVAILABLE are mutually exclusive. When this (STREAMING_VF_IT_SPECIFIC_UA_AVAILABLE )feature ids is ON that time the feature id

1501;"STREAMING_VF_KK_SPECIFIC_UA_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether we
need to Generate a VF KK Specific User Agent or not. If it is available we should not send GUID in UA. (
means UA_GUID_AVAILABLE should be off ) VF_IT_SPECIFIC_UA_AVAILABLE and VF_KK_SPECIFIC_UA_AVAILABLE are mutually exclusive.

1502;"STREAMING_UA_GUID_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether We Need to send
GUID in the User Agent or not. This ( UA_GUID_AVAILABLE ) should be available when VF_IT_SPECIFIC_UA_AVAILABLE is available.

1503;"STREAMING_RTT_PAUSE_AVAILABLE";/*This feature Id is used to determine whether we need to send RTT ( Round Trip Time ) Packets in Paused State or not.

1504;"STREAMING_REAL_USER_AGENT_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether we need to Generate a Real Specific User Agent or not.

1505;"STREAMING_NAT_PACKETS_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether we need to
send NAT ( Network Address Translation ) packets or not. After establishing connection between client and server, the server will reserved for data transmission but wont opened for transmission. When client sends NAT ( Network Address Translation ) packets before PLAY request then only server actually opens the ports for data transmission.

1506;"LIVE_STRMG_PAUSE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether we need to send
Pause for Live streaming or not. If it is available we can send PAUSE for Live streaming

1507;"WM_LIVE_STRMG_PAUSE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id is used to determine whether we need to
send Pause for WM Live streaming or not. If it is available then we can PAUSE the Windows Media ( WM ) live streaming also.

1508;"DM_REGISTRATION_AVAILABLE";/* DM terminal registration by SMS is a new application which will send the registration SMS to DM server. The feature id would decide the availability of the DM terminal registration by SMS.

1509;"NO_TERMINATION_ON_CLOSE_AVAILABLE";/* For common component compilation support only.
Availability bit for feature 13290: "Japan Basic -- No Application Termination on Flip Closure". This feature

prevents mostapps from terminating when the user closes the flip. If this bit is ON, most applications (see
FAD @http: // for details on individual apps) will NOT terminate when the

user closes the flip. When the flip is reopened, the application will have its state preserved from before the

closure. If this bit is OFF, all applications will respond to flip closure just as they do in our existing platforms

1510;"SLIDER_AVAILABLE";/* Slider is a new form factor for Capri. The feature id would decide the
availability of the slider on a phone. Based on the slider availability, if an application receives slider close

event, then the app would decide to terminate or continue its operation based on the setting whether to

Terminate/Continue on slider close. The slider open event will result in an open tone generation and would

result in display backlight coming up just like the flip open scenario. When the slider is closed the phone

would behave like a candy bar phone and the display backlight would behave just like in candy bar. This

feature id is limited to provide information on whether slider is present on phone hardware or not, which dl_keypad layer would use for translating the hook switch events from sierra into slider events if
appropriate. Based on the feature availability, the various applications listed in row 7 would call the appropriate handler. The scope of each handler is out of scope for this feature id and should be part of another feature id request for app Termination/Continue setting.

1511;"TRANSPARENT_STORAGE_HOT_SWAP_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id will be used to enable/disable

feature 12604 - Transparent Storage with Hot Swap. If value of this feature id is ON then all functionality for

support of feature 12604 is enabled. If value of this feature id is OFF then all functionality for support of
feature 12604 is disabled. The transparent storage with hotswap feature covers the main use case of supporting the Vodafone transparent storage feature while also having hotswappable removable memory.
Transparent storage simply allowed the user to switch the storage devices by having a selectable item in the

audio, video, and pictures folder summary list and added combined lists to the native audio, video, and
picture viewer applications. It also covers the use cases of removing / inserting the memory card while currently viewing media or java apps.

1512;"FSS_USE_STARTUP_VIEW_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id will be used to enable/disable default startup view for multimedia applications. If value of this feature id is ON then startup view will be read from

FSS_STARTUP_VIEW. If value of this feature id is OFF then will be used last used view. FSS here refers to File System Services.

1513;"CALLING_WHEN_SLIDER_CLOSED_AVAILABLE";/* Slider is a new form factor for Capri. If this

feature is flexed ON (enabled), the slider SHALL support calling through internal speaker when slider is
closed. If this feature is flexed OFF, the slider SHALL NOT support calling through internal speaker when slider is closed.

1514;"KJAVA_USER_PROFILE_AVAILABLE";/* When the feature bit is 1, KVM will genenate a Vadafone specific HTTP user agent header and send it allong with the HTTP request to the server. When the feature bit
is 0, KVM will sends only the HTTP user agent complied with JSR 185, Java Security, to the server

1515;"TTS_TALKING_PHONE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id is used to indicate if the phone supports the Talking phone feature.

1516;"TELECOIL_FEATURE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id enables/disables feature of HAC hearing aid compatibility

1517;"IMG_RESIZE_BASED_ON_CREATION_MODE_AVAILABLE";/* When this feature is ON the Image Resize is done based upon the present Creation mode of the phone and rules defined in 18486 are followed.

1518;"DRM_FWD_EXCLUSIVE_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if only drm fwl files can be downloaded

1519;"640X480_GIF_AVAILABLE";/* For CSC lines All image sizes in all formats must be supported up to the maximum on the phone. Current products support 640x480 JPEG and PNG Images, but only 320x240 GIF images

1520;"STREAMING_CLIENT_PORT_CHECK_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id is used to find out whether we
need to check the server is honoring the client ports or not for SETUP request.But some servers are not sending the same client ports. So to make it flexible, we make the check as flex base

1521;"BROWSER_RETURN_TO_BRW_AVAILABLE";/* When browser is running and some other application
takes the focus and then when that application exits the browser regains focus a prompt "Return to Browser is displayed.

1522;"BLUETOOTH_ALWAYS_DISCOVERABLE_AVAILABLE";/* This Feature ID will be used to make the "Bluetooth Always Discoverable" feature available

1523;"NOTES_OVER_BT_AVAILABLE";/* This Feature ID will be used to make the "Notes Application with Sharing over Bluetooth" feature available

1524;"NICKNAME_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if Nickname field should be displayed in the form.

1525;"MY5_AVAILABLE";/* This setting is intended to specify My5 feature availability in a phone.

1526;"SUBMENU_SCROLLABLE_ICONIC_TAB_AVAILABLE";/* Controlls the view of the submenu (iconic/List)

1527;"ALWAYS_CONSIDER_SIM_METER_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id is used to determine whether the
message memory meter shall always consider the SIM Card meter in its calculation or shall consider SIM Card meter only if the phone is set to store SMS to SIM Card.

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DANGER86   sanitar, Оффсеты 4288 и 4856 работают вместе. Нас...   6.7.2007, 2:56
Archy   У меня на прошивке 04.05 (Л7и) Статический экран з...   11.7.2007, 13:39
Archy   616;"Работа телефона без SIM-карты (1-откл, 0...   15.7.2007, 7:57
DANGER86   5600;"Число цифр для сравнения номера звонящег...   15.7.2007, 14:53
bigserg555   Вычислил чтоб при заходе в мультимедиа тел сохраня...   17.7.2007, 9:39
Bent   GMD, Вот держи... там не только камера, но ещё ув...   18.7.2007, 17:33
TEQUILA   лекарство, молодец, получи + Естественно, ведь те...   19.7.2007, 6:04
bigserg555   Люди,после отключения бита 1511;Выбор устройства х...   20.7.2007, 5:33
psyx1980   Люди,после отключения бита 1511;Выбор устройства ...   20.7.2007, 11:26
Osta   согласен , так и написано SEEM 0032_0001, Смещ-е ...   20.7.2007, 13:24
Osta   Это Моторола молодец и RekGRpth что записал 1395;...   20.7.2007, 13:46
sanitar   1196 ; Своя мелодия при выключении, громкость мело...   20.7.2007, 23:54
DANGER86   ...Из протестированного мною: 1159. Да. Наличие в ...   21.7.2007, 4:58
DANGER86   Shoorf, Молодец! Лови + clap;applo В общем п...   22.7.2007, 6:17
Archy   На всякий случай подтверждаю, что на L7e можно вкл...   1.8.2007, 11:50
blackbox   В симе 004e хранятся 32-битные целые, а не массив...   21.9.2007, 14:43
blackbox   На самом деле этот бит отвечает за управление под...   24.9.2007, 15:45
Zakk_Wilde   Спасибо.Как раз внимательно прочитал, почему и в...   9.10.2007, 14:50
~hades~   [code]1411;"BROWSER_SCROLL_SPEED_EDITABLE_AVAI...   17.10.2007, 15:25
Osta   seem 004e hex 6F0 - 1776; "значения в сек. д...   18.10.2007, 13:47
ch4pter   seem 004e hex 6F0 - 1776; "значения в сек. ...   20.10.2007, 14:49
blackbox   Активация пункта меню "MMS открытки" (MM...   7.12.2007, 18:29
Kos0110   Телефон L9 (R452J_G_08.22.04R) Сим 004e_0001: 1. ...   7.1.2008, 17:15
alexxx32   [b]Телефон L9 (R452J_G_08.22.04R) Сим 004e_0001: ...   3.2.2008, 8:21
alexxx32   Подтверждаю инфу Kos0110, действительно после изме...   8.1.2008, 20:15
bigserg555   надо отключить в симе 0032 биты 1511 и 1394   15.2.2008, 12:24
Osta   кто сталкивался с обрезанием фото при передачи по ...   18.3.2008, 15:10
лекарство   Сим 0032 бит 1100 если откл. то появляется в сообщ...   20.3.2008, 7:12
Osta   попробуй, но не уверен SEEM 0032_0001, Смещ-е B3...   1.4.2008, 11:42
Osta   SEEM 0032_0001, Смещ-е 3F h/63d, Бит 4 (Абс.бит ...   4.4.2008, 8:41
sadface   SEEM32 бит 972 - включает и отключает поддержку вс...   11.4.2008, 18:49
anhvu2875   on K1 : 0032_0001 1228 > CLI_ANALOG_CLOCK_AVAI...   14.4.2008, 23:02
Osta   SEEM 0032_0001, Смещ-е 4A h/74d, Бит 5 (Абс.бит 5...   16.4.2008, 15:35
PcHeLa   Доброго времени суток! :) решил немного поэксп...   4.6.2008, 7:36
bigserg555   milov, правильнее будет для снятия ограничений все...   13.8.2008, 0:50
blackbox   Если встроенный браузер L9 на многих сайтах (напри...   6.10.2008, 15:12
MaZaXAkA   Если кому нужно могу потестить БТ наушники на Л9 с...   11.7.2009, 16:27
Bot   В симе 4a, бит 32 (CURRENT_BACKLIGHT) выставил зна...   28.7.2009, 16:49
Osta   попробуй SEEM 0032_0001, Смещ-е 0A h/10d, Бит 7 (...   29.7.2009, 12:01
ShaDReaS   Что бы блютуз выключался автоматически нужно ВЫКЛЮ...   24.10.2009, 11:15
Zaur   Что бы блютуз выключался автоматически нужно ВЫКЛ...   5.12.2009, 17:14
Pieeer   для включения PTT сим не подскажите???   27.3.2010, 17:33
ShaDReaS   Push-to-talk на Motorola L7e/K1/Z3 может это подо...   28.3.2010, 10:21
KeNt606   А как включить режим "технология"? Пункт...   30.7.2010, 20:24
Osta   0032 548 Тестовый режим > Cell Man.,Net.Mess.,...   30.7.2010, 20:59
System_nikolay   Чтобы сделать обнаружение блютус больше 3 минут ну...   21.9.2010, 19:38
Osta   да ладно тебе "мой" :grin: пост Номе...   21.9.2010, 20:11
zombyx64   Подскажите сими для К1 чтоб не удаляло список зво...   7.5.2011, 23:41
Osta   это можно сделать только патчем прошивки Патчи для...   8.5.2011, 8:42
smoldersbolds   А как отключить датчик освещения? ;)   8.8.2011, 14:40
Osta   smoldersbolds, а у вас поиск в P2KAE не работает? ...   8.8.2011, 18:45
smoldersbolds   smoldersbolds, а у вас поиск в P2KAE не работает?...   26.8.2011, 9:03
Diablo_kun   а на л9 он по умолчанию он включен или нет ? заран...   27.8.2011, 14:05
Загир   перезалейте все настройки симов и прог   12.6.2012, 19:10
igoripp   Загир, что конкретно не работает? Из первого поста...   12.6.2012, 19:35

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