For English speaking members
20 years after the release of the low-end mobile phones Motorola C380, Motorola C650, Motorola V180, and Motorola V220, dimonp25 and I, along with the guys from siepatchdb@c.j.r, decided to add support for running ELF applications to these phones! As a result, we have created a small modified firmware where I tried to preserve the stock and original design for nostalgic purposes. In essence, this is the first custom monsterpack for these phones with a full-fledged ElfPack.
The custom firmware is prepared and suitable for phones on the R365 platform: C380, C650, V180, V220, and some others with 4 MiB of RAM and 16 MiB of ROM. The V180 and V220 flip phones will require uploading SEEMs and vibration WAV audio files in the case of the V220, which can be downloaded in this archive.
S/W: R365_G_0B.D3.08R
Flex: SE8402BXXU1117
01. Charge the battery.
02. Enter Boot Loader mode by simultaneously pressing *, #, Red key when the phone is turned off.
03. Install Motorola USB Driver v3.7.0: 32-bit | 64-bit.
04. Connect the phone to the PC.
05. Flash the SBF firmware file using RSD Lite 3.8, you can flash it from under a virtual machine, see for more details the topic:
Virtual machine images for Motorola, WinXP and Win2K phones for VirtualBox and VMware Player.
01. CG1, CG18: RSA bypassed using LTE1 method by Vilko.
02. CG1: Changed Boot Screen.
03. CG1: All ELF patches have been added.
04. CG2, CG4: Mobile QQ menu item was activated and renamed to ELFs.
05. CG2: FEM activated.
06. CG2: JAL activated.
07. CG2: *#9999#
08. CG2: Menu cursor in the center.
09. CG2: Opcode Hand-Test-Command (Menu + 048263*) activated.
10. CG2: Added ELFs, ElfLoader and necessary libraries.
11. CG15: Timings in DRM/CG15 have been reduced.
12. CG2: Added some Java-games and Java-applications: Football, KeepyUppy, JBenchmark, Skipping Stones, Hungry Fish, FotoFunPack2, MiniCommander.
13. CG2: Funlight/Club Lights activated. Changes in funlight.pat by Dimka & Osta.
14. CG2: Increased volume in sound drivers. Changes in gain_table.bin and param_table.bin by Dimka & Osta.
15. CG1: MP3 bitrate limit increased to 320 kbps.
16. CG4: Fixed Cyrillic bold font in the Web browser.
17. CG4: Fixed ID3 tags in MP3 in Win-1251 encoding.
18. CG1: Added the ability to remove SIM-Lock.
19. CG2: New camera drivers. Changes in ovfirmware.bin by Dimka & Osta.
A description of some ELFs can be found in the ELFs by EXL: Nostalgia of development for Motorola P2K.
Attention! Some ELF applications require a running and minimized any Java application.
(new!) CPU Overclock on Motorola E398, Motorola RAZR V3i, and similar phones, 52 MHz => 65 MHz, +20% Performance Boost!
Task List:
01. ✅ Fix the annoying bug that prevents access to Melodies and Pictures after running some ELF applications. A temporary fix is a phone reboot.
02. 🟩 Port the patch to increase the resolution of JPG (1280x1024), GIF (640x480) and PNG (640x480) images.
01. dimonp25 | siepatchdb@c.j.r: for the idea of creating custom C650 firmware with ELFs, finding functions which was needed for ElfPack port, help in testing.
02. Viktor89 | siepatchdb@c.j.r: for finding several functions which was needed for some ELFs. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
03. Metalman87 | MotoFan.Ru: huge help in testing custom firmware, overclock, ELFs, and patches.
04. kostett | siepatchdb@c.j.r: for testing custom firmware.
05. marry on me | siepatchdb@c.j.r: for a DIY guide on creating a Mini-USB charging hardware mod, testing custom firmware.
06. Dimka | MotoFan.Ru: for MotoKDE_08 | MotoKDE_2F project, some files of which I used, and thanks for cool C650BootSplash program!
07. Osta | MotoFan.Ru: for MotoKDE_08 | MotoKDE_2F project, some files of which I used.
08. Vilko | MotoFan.Ru: for bypassing RSA and the subsequent ability to create patches and ELFs.
01. on
The custom firmware is prepared and suitable for phones on the R365 platform: C380, C650, V180, V220, and some others with 4 MiB of RAM and 16 MiB of ROM. The V180 and V220 flip phones will require uploading SEEMs and vibration WAV audio files in the case of the V220, which can be downloaded in this archive.
S/W: R365_G_0B.D3.08R
Flex: SE8402BXXU1117
01. Charge the battery.
02. Enter Boot Loader mode by simultaneously pressing *, #, Red key when the phone is turned off.
03. Install Motorola USB Driver v3.7.0: 32-bit | 64-bit.
04. Connect the phone to the PC.
05. Flash the SBF firmware file using RSD Lite 3.8, you can flash it from under a virtual machine, see for more details the topic:
Virtual machine images for Motorola, WinXP and Win2K phones for VirtualBox and VMware Player.
01. CG1, CG18: RSA bypassed using LTE1 method by Vilko.
02. CG1: Changed Boot Screen.
03. CG1: All ELF patches have been added.
04. CG2, CG4: Mobile QQ menu item was activated and renamed to ELFs.
05. CG2: FEM activated.
06. CG2: JAL activated.
07. CG2: *#9999#
08. CG2: Menu cursor in the center.
09. CG2: Opcode Hand-Test-Command (Menu + 048263*) activated.
10. CG2: Added ELFs, ElfLoader and necessary libraries.
11. CG15: Timings in DRM/CG15 have been reduced.
12. CG2: Added some Java-games and Java-applications: Football, KeepyUppy, JBenchmark, Skipping Stones, Hungry Fish, FotoFunPack2, MiniCommander.
13. CG2: Funlight/Club Lights activated. Changes in funlight.pat by Dimka & Osta.
14. CG2: Increased volume in sound drivers. Changes in gain_table.bin and param_table.bin by Dimka & Osta.
15. CG1: MP3 bitrate limit increased to 320 kbps.
16. CG4: Fixed Cyrillic bold font in the Web browser.
17. CG4: Fixed ID3 tags in MP3 in Win-1251 encoding.
18. CG1: Added the ability to remove SIM-Lock.
19. CG2: New camera drivers. Changes in ovfirmware.bin by Dimka & Osta.
A description of some ELFs can be found in the ELFs by EXL: Nostalgia of development for Motorola P2K.
Attention! Some ELF applications require a running and minimized any Java application.
(new!) CPU Overclock on Motorola E398, Motorola RAZR V3i, and similar phones, 52 MHz => 65 MHz, +20% Performance Boost!
Task List:
01. ✅ Fix the annoying bug that prevents access to Melodies and Pictures after running some ELF applications. A temporary fix is a phone reboot.
02. 🟩 Port the patch to increase the resolution of JPG (1280x1024), GIF (640x480) and PNG (640x480) images.
01. dimonp25 | siepatchdb@c.j.r: for the idea of creating custom C650 firmware with ELFs, finding functions which was needed for ElfPack port, help in testing.
02. Viktor89 | siepatchdb@c.j.r: for finding several functions which was needed for some ELFs. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
03. Metalman87 | MotoFan.Ru: huge help in testing custom firmware, overclock, ELFs, and patches.
04. kostett | siepatchdb@c.j.r: for testing custom firmware.
05. marry on me | siepatchdb@c.j.r: for a DIY guide on creating a Mini-USB charging hardware mod, testing custom firmware.
06. Dimka | MotoFan.Ru: for MotoKDE_08 | MotoKDE_2F project, some files of which I used, and thanks for cool C650BootSplash program!
07. Osta | MotoFan.Ru: for MotoKDE_08 | MotoKDE_2F project, some files of which I used.
08. Vilko | MotoFan.Ru: for bypassing RSA and the subsequent ability to create patches and ELFs.
01. on
Прошивка подготовлена и подходит для телефонов платформы R365: C380, C650, V180, V220 и некоторых других с количеством оперативной памяти 4 MiB RAM и размером Flash-памяти 16 MiB ROM. Раскладушки V180 и V220 потребуют залития SEEM и WAV-аудиофайлов вибрации в случае V220, скачать которые можно в этом архиве.
S/W: R365_G_0B.D3.08R
Flex: SE8402BXXU1117
Внимание: Если у вас установлена прошивка предыдущей платформы R364, прежде чем шить эту прошивку, прошейте R365_G_0B.D2.23R для корректного перехода на R365!
01. Зарядите аккумулятор.
02. Зайдите в Boot Loader по одновременному нажатию *, #, Красная трубка, когда телефон выключен.
03. Установите драйвера Motorola USB Driver v3.7.0: 32-bit | 64-bit.
04. Подключите телефон к PC.
05. Прошейте SBF-файл прошивки с помощью RSD Lite 3.8, прошивать можно из-под виртуальной машины, см. подробнее тему:
Образы виртуальных машин для телефонов Motorola, WinXP и Win2K для VirtualBox и VMware Player.
01. CG1, CG18: Снят RSA по методике LTE1 от Vilko.
02. CG1: Изменён Boot Screen.
03. CG1: Добавлены все необходимые ELF-пачти.
04. CG2, CG4: Активирован Mobile QQ и переименован в ELFs.
05. CG2: Активирован FEM.
06. CG2: Активирован JAL.
07. CG2: *#9999#
08. CG2: Курсор меню по центру.
09. CG2: Активирован Opcode Hand-Test-Command (Menu + 048263*).
10. CG2: Добавлены ELF'ы, ElfLoader и необходимые библиотеки.
11. CG15: Уменьшены тайминги в DRM/CG15.
12. CG2: Добавлены Java-игры и Java-приложения: Football, KeepyUppy, JBenchmark, Skipping Stones, Hungry Fish, FotoFunPack2, MiniCommander.
13. CG2: Активирован Funlight/Club Lights. Авторство изменений в funlight.pat от Dimka и Osta.
14. CG2: Увеличена громкость в драйверах звука. Авторство изменений в gain_table.bin и param_table.bin от Dimka и Osta.
15. CG1: Увеличен битрейт MP3 до 320 kbps.
16. CG4: Исправлен жирный (bold) кириллический шрифт в Web-браузере.
17. CG4: Исправлены ID3-теги в MP3 в кодировке Win-1251.
18. CG1: Добавлена возможность снятия SIM-Lock.
19. CG2: Обновлены драйвера камеры. Авторство изменений в ovfirmware.bin от Dimka и Osta.
Список патчей / List of Patches:
Список ELF'ов / List of ELFs:
Описание ELF'ов можно посмотреть в теме: ELFs by EXL: Ностальгия разработки под Motorola P2K.
Внимание! Некоторые ELF-приложения требуют запущенное (любое) и свёрнутое Java-приложение.
(new!) Разгон процессора в Motorola E398, Motorola RAZR V3i и подобных, 52 MHz => 65 MHz, +20% Performance Boost!
Список задач:
01. ✅ Исправить противный баг, связанный с невозможностью входа в Мелодии и Картинки после запуска некоторых эльфов. Пока лечится ребутом.
02. 🟩 Портировать патч на увеличение разрешения изображений формата JPG (1280x1024), GIF (640x480) и PNG (640x480).
01. dimonp25 | siepatchdb@c.j.r: за идею создания прошивки для C650 с ELF'ами, нахождение функций для портирования ElfPack'а, помощь в тестировании.
02. Viktor89 | siepatchdb@c.j.r: за нахождение нескольких функций для портирования ELF'ов. Гений, миллиардер, Playboy, филантроп.
03. Metalman87 | MotoFan.Ru: огромная помощь в тестировании прошивки, разгона, эльфов и патчей.
04. kostett | siepatchdb@c.j.r: за изначальное тестирование прошивки.
05. marry on me | siepatchdb@c.j.r: за описание/гайд по hardware-моду на зарядку с помощью Mini-USB кабеля, тестирование прошивки.
06. Dimka | MotoFan.Ru: за проект MotoKDE_08 | MotoKDE_2F, некоторые файлы которого я использовал и крутую программу C650BootSplash!
07. Osta | MotoFan.Ru: за проект MotoKDE_08 | MotoKDE_2F, некоторые файлы которого я использовал.
08. Vilko | MotoFan.Ru: за обход RSA и последующую возможность создания патчей и эльфов.
01. на
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