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Новые настройки SEEM'ов (для Р2кАЕ и др.), для новых платформ (L7e/K1/Z3/L9)

сообщение 26.2.2007, 19:30 Закрепленное сообщение!

Властелин колец

Группа: Почётные мотофаны
Сообщений: 835
Регистрация: 2.10.2004
Из: Смоленск
Пользователь №: 14 898

Рейтинг: 643

Последние дополнения отмечены.
Добавьте в файл 0032_001_Russian.csv:

80 Возможность блокировать метки ( 1 Вкл 0 Откл )
508;Юникод в SMS ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
621; Достаточно отключить этот бит для просмотра сайтов ч/з стандарт. браузр (например, ( 1 Вкл 0 Откл )
676;Максимальное количество сетевых меток 50/30 ( 1 Вкл 0 Откл )
787;Параметри > Подключение >SuncML Синхронизация ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
804; Настр. Email сообщ. >Настр. учет. записи> Устан. учет. записи >Защита телефона ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
809; Инструменты > IM Сообщения ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
972; включает и отключает поддержку вспышки на z3 ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
986;Параметры - Состояние телефона - опция [Обновление ПО] (1-вкл,0-откл)
996;В списке Java Меню - опция [Включить защиту] (1-вкл,0-откл)
1104;Включение вспышки в режиме видоискателя кнопкой "*" (Z3) (1-вкл, 0-откл)
1163;Длинное нажатие кнопки камеры активирует видеокамеру, но короткое нажатие не реагирует (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1172;Автовыключение блютуз (1 вкл 0 откл) - выключите его.
1175;Меню Последние вызовы (1-вкл,0-откл)
1176;Параметры > Состояние телефона (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1177;Параметры > Личные настройки (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1178;Параметры > Сеть оператора (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1179;Параметры > Стили оповещений (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1180;Параметры > Защита телефона (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1181;Параметры > Основная Настройка (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1183;Главное меню > Сообщения (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1184;Параметры > Настройка для Авто (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1185;Параметры > Настройка Гарнитуры (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1187;Параметры > Настройка Вызова (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1188 Главное меню > Справочник (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1189 Инструменты > Метки (требуются редактирование mma_ucp ) ( 1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1190;Параметры > Сеть оператора > Сигнал соединения (1-вкл,0-откл)
1195;Пункт меню "Активный вызов"(1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1198;Настройки интернет > Закладки (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1214;Возобновление прерванной закачки браузером (1-вкл,0-откл)
1228; Аналоговые часы на внешнем экране (for K1) (1-вкл,0-откл)
1232;Параметры > Настройка вызовов > Варианты ответа > Задержанный ответ (1-вкл,0-откл)
1236;Прозрачные иконки управления картинками и надписи (Размер, дата) (1 Вкл 0 Откл )
1242;Возможность просмотреть снятое видео перед сохранением или отправкой (1-просмотр и сохранение,0-только сохранение)
1273;Полноэкранный просмотр изображений (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-вкл,0-отк)
1274;Не переключать стили вызова при подключении кабеля (1-вкл,0-откл)
1276;Возможность создавать EMS (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-откл,0-ВКЛ)
1294;Ежедневник > Настройка > лунный календарь (1-вкл,0-откл)
1298;Настр. Email сообщений> Фильтр SPAM ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
1301;Предпросмотр картинок мозаикой 2х2 (1-вкл,0-откл)
1317;Сообщения > Варианты > Переместить в важные (1-вкл,0-выкл)
1338;Сообщение > Настройки > Фильтр SPAM (1-вкл,0-откл)
1339;Доступно уведомление о спам-сообщениях (1-вкл,0-откл)
1341;Сообщения > Настройка > Инфо > Быстрый просмотр (1-откл,0-ВКЛ)
1363;Подключение > MOTOSYNC > Обмен данными (1-вкл,0-откл)
1365;Параметры -> Основная настройка -> Время и дата -> Установка оператором -> Только время (1-вкл,0-откл)
1395;Records automatically using Voice Msg (1-вкл,0-откл)
1431;Установление сигнала вызова от внешнего устройства памяти. (0-только с телефона, 1-и с тела и с флеш)
1439;При подключении к USB показывать на экране индикатор: модем или карта памяти (и сообщение: "Отсоедините кабель..") (1-показывать,0-не показывать)
1440;Сохранение последних получателей сообщений (1-не сохранять, 0-сохранять)
1442;Настр. Email сообщений> Штамп врем. эл.п ( 1 вкл 0 откл)
1446;Таймер блокировки клавиатуры (при заблокированной клавиатуре отключена кнопка ОК) (1-вкл,0-откл)
1480;Личные настройки > Заголовки (для Screen3) (1-вкл,0-откл)
1481;Параметры > Основная настройка > Выделение текста (1-вкл,0-откл)
1483;Отчет о доставке СМС по умолчанию (бит 1276 должен быть выкл) (1-вкл,0-выкл)
1491;Если ВКЛЮЧЕНО, когда флип закрыт и аудиоплеер, играет в фоне, пользователь может управлять плеером (1-вкл,0-выкл)
1511;Выбор устройства хранения (телефон/карта) в Мультимедии и Яве (1-общий список,0-разделенный)(бит 1512 должен быть ВЫКЛ)
1513;Возможность разговаривать (по внутреннему динамику) при закрытом слайдере (Z3) (1-вкл,0-откл)
1515;Параметры > Личные > Параметры звука (проговаривает имена контактов и цифры при наборе) (1-вкл,0-откл)
1526;Иконки или список в подменю (1-иконки,0-список)
2128;Убрать надпись EDGE с экрана (бит 2129 должен быть вкл) (1-вкл,0-откл)
2129;Убрать надпись EDGE с экрана (бит 2128 должен быть вкл) (1-вкл,0-откл)

Файлы 0032_001:
Прикрепленный файл 0032_0001.rar   ( 89.08 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 6762

Добавьте в файл 004A_001_Russian.csv:

616;"Работа телефона без SIM-карты (1-выкл,0-вкл)"
3488;"Сортировка файлов - по имени или по времени (0-по имени, 1-по времени)"
3584;"Статический экран загрузки (00-Hellomoto, 01-Часики, 02-CMCC)"
3944;"Стиль звонка при удержании '#' (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-офис,2-вибро,3-вибро->звонок,4-бесшумный,5-вибро и звонок)"
4152;"Зарядка по USB (L6,L7,V360)(1-вкл,0-выкл)"
4216;"Пункт 'Новая картинка' в конце списка картинок (1-в конце, 0-в начале)"
4288;"Наличие оператора и даты на основном экране (00-убрать, 01-показать)"
4344;"Сортировка тел. книги (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-по фамилии,0-по имени)"
4496;"Сообщения > Настройка текст сообщ > Фильтр по SPAM (0-Выкл; 1-Вкл)"
4552;"Включение диктофона (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-включено,0-отключено)"
4856;"Наличие часов на основном экране (00-показать, 01-убрать)"
4952;"Запись видео с разрешением 352x288 (!на карту памяти!) (K1,L7e,Z3) (1-доступно,0-недоступно)"
5600;"AIM - Максимальное ожидание сервером AOL"
Внимание! Бит 616;"Работа телефона без SIM-карты (1-выкл,0-вкл)" НЕ ПОЗВОЛИТ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ ТЕЛЕФОН КАК МОДЕМ!!! Выход в инет будет только с самого телефона. Будьте осторожны!!!

Файлы 004A_001:
Прикрепленный файл 004A_0001.rar   ( 20.48 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 4970

Добавьте в файл 004E_001_Russian.csv:

1568;Max. время поиска устройств по BT
1600;Min. время поиска устройств по BT
1776;"значения в сек. для выбора автоблокировки клавиатуры"
5600;"Число цифр для сравнения номера звонящего с записью в справочнике"
8320;"Максимальный размер видеофайла при записи на карту памяти в байтах"
8352;"Максимальная продолжительность видеофайла при записи на карту памяти в секундах"
8416;"Максимальный размер видеофайла при записи на память телефона в байтах"
8448;"Максимальная продолжительность видеофайла при записи на память телефона в секундах"
9024;"Сжатие в фотокамере. Максимальное значение 64 (hex) или 100 (dec)"
11008;"Время доступности телефона для обнаружения по Bluetooth в минутах (1 или 3)"
11648;"Максимальный размер файла голосовой записи на карту памяти в байтах"
11712;"Максимальный размер файла голосовой записи на память телефона в байтах"

Файлы 004E_001:
Прикрепленный файл 004E_0001.rar   ( 6.47 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 3769


Как применить настройки. Инструкция на примере Р2к АЕ
Как применить настройки. Инструкция от grudovik на примере P2k Tools 3. ПОНЯТНЕЕ НЕКУДА!

SEEM, отличные от 0032, 004А и 004Е правим программами UniМoto или P2k Tools 3.

Скачать P2k Tools 3
Скачать UniМoto
Скачать P2k AE
Библиотека для корректной работы Р2к АЕ:
Прикрепленный файл p2kapi2.rar   ( 5.32 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 9306

Все ВОЗНИКШИЕ вопросы удаляются после их решения. Все глупые или ответ на которые есть на форуме - немедленно!

Пополняйте - и да воздасться вам плюсов! Но не забудьте оформить так, как в шапке!

Сообщение отредактировал ShaDReaS - 10.12.2009, 18:29
Прикрепленный файл 004E_0001.rar   ( 6.47 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 3769
Прикрепленный файл 004A_0001.rar   ( 20.48 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 4970
Прикрепленный файл 0032_0001.rar   ( 89.08 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 6762
Прикрепленный файл p2kapi2.rar   ( 5.32 килобайт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 9306
Юзер вышелВ друзьяВизиткаП/Я
К началу страницы
сообщение 15.7.2007, 7:57


Группа: Почётные мотофаны
Сообщений: 447
Регистрация: 10.4.2005
Из: Киев
Пользователь №: 40 468
Модель телефона: E1-L6-L7e-U9, iPhone
Прошивка: M-S1.5RC3 L7e_01.0AR

Рейтинг: 516

616;"Работа телефона без SIM-карты (1-откл, 0-вкл)"

Да, чуть не забыл. У меня с этим симом сим-карта не запрашивает пин-код и, соотв., не видит сеть.
Юзер вышелВ друзьяВизиткаП/Я
К началу страницы
сообщение 15.7.2007, 13:44


Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 251
Регистрация: 30.1.2007
Из: Челябинск, ЧМЗ
Пользователь №: 119 702
Модель телефона: DEFY+
Прошивка: slimkat 2.6

Рейтинг: 17

Статический экран загрузки
seem 004a_0001 off 1C0
00 Hellomoto
01 Часики
Из того что попробовал:
00 - действительно Hellomoto
01 - при загрузке картинка такая - красный фон и на экране на 5и языках (как я понял) написано Welcome. (русского нет)
02 - снова Hellomoto

песочные часики появятся если сменишь прошивку на 452F, на R4527_G_08.22.11R все как ты написал

Сообщение отредактировал psyx1980 - 15.7.2007, 13:46
Юзер вышелВ друзьяВизиткаП/Я
К началу страницы
сообщение 15.7.2007, 14:53


Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 821
Регистрация: 4.3.2006
Пользователь №: 72 895
Модель телефона: E1

Рейтинг: 128

5600;"Число цифр для сравнения номера звонящего с записью в справочнике"

Что за прикол? В P2KAE написано, что это Maximum amount of time in seconds that a response message from AOL server is expected. Хотя по умолчанию стоит 8

Вот, такой прикол. Все-таки Р2к АЕ 2 года, не все в моторах осталось как было (а может Booroondook ошибся)

Сообщение отредактировал TEQUILA - 15.7.2007, 16:59
Юзер вышелВ друзьяВизиткаП/Я
К началу страницы
сообщение 17.7.2007, 9:39


Группа: Почётные мотофаны
Сообщений: 858
Регистрация: 7.10.2005
Из: Рязань
Пользователь №: 53 831
Модель телефона: LG
Прошивка: Меняю как перчатки)
Победитель конкурса 2008

Рейтинг: 939

Вычислил чтоб при заходе в мультимедиа тел сохранял устройство хранения.Т.е. чтоб отображалось не "ВСЕ" устройства одновременно,а то которое вы раньше выбирали.
Для этого в 32 симе на пересечении строки 0B0 и столбца ОС отключите бит 7.У меня работает.
В P2KAE это бит 1511 - отключаем его.
Но при этом пропадёт пункт "Все",но думаю он не особо нужен многим

Сообщение отредактировал bigserg555 - 17.7.2007, 9:45
Юзер вышелВ друзьяВизиткаП/Я
К началу страницы
сообщение 18.7.2007, 17:33

MoTo Marvellous

Группа: Почётные мотофаны
Сообщений: 622
Регистрация: 30.12.2005
Из: Новосибирск
Пользователь №: 63 874
Модель телефона: L7

Рейтинг: 335

Цитата(GMD @ 18.7.2007, 20:28)

Люди, а может кто-нибудь выложить готовый 004e_0001 сим с изминениями для камеры?

GMD, Вот держи... там не только камера, но ещё увеличено запись диктафона и видео на телефон как Мб, так и время(секунды)... для карты памяти не делал - у меня её нет biggrin.gif

Сообщение отредактировал bigserg555 - 24.7.2008, 16:46
Прикрепленный файл 004E_0001.rar   ( 777 байт ) Кол-во скачиваний: 567
Юзер вышелВ друзьяВизиткаП/Я
К началу страницы
сообщение 19.7.2007, 6:00


Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 3
Регистрация: 29.4.2007
Пользователь №: 133 000
Модель телефона: моторола z 3

Рейтинг: 1.5

Цитата(DANGER86 @ 19.7.2007, 6:05) *

Вот и нашел мелкий баг после отключения этого бита: в видеокамере не переключается устройство хранения, хотя в фотокамере нормально

Заходишь в видеоклипы/новое видео и переключаешь устройство хранения, и весь баг ))
Юзер вышелВ друзьяВизиткаП/Я
К началу страницы
сообщение 19.7.2007, 6:04

Властелин колец

Группа: Почётные мотофаны
Сообщений: 835
Регистрация: 2.10.2004
Из: Смоленск
Пользователь №: 14 898

Рейтинг: 643

лекарство, молодец, получи +

Естественно, ведь телефон запоминает последнее выбранное устр-во хранения, и если это телефон, то в телефон и пишет.
Юзер вышелВ друзьяВизиткаП/Я
К началу страницы
сообщение 20.7.2007, 5:33


Группа: Почётные мотофаны
Сообщений: 858
Регистрация: 7.10.2005
Из: Рязань
Пользователь №: 53 831
Модель телефона: LG
Прошивка: Меняю как перчатки)
Победитель конкурса 2008

Рейтинг: 939

Люди,после отключения бита 1511;Выбор устройства хранения (телефон/карта) в Мультимедии и Яве (1-общий список,0-разделенный) у вас в яву нормально заходит? без багов?
Юзер вышелВ друзьяВизиткаП/Я
К началу страницы
сообщение 20.7.2007, 11:26


Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 251
Регистрация: 30.1.2007
Из: Челябинск, ЧМЗ
Пользователь №: 119 702
Модель телефона: DEFY+
Прошивка: slimkat 2.6

Рейтинг: 17

Цитата(bigserg555 @ 20.7.2007, 8:33) *

Люди,после отключения бита 1511;Выбор устройства хранения (телефон/карта) в Мультимедии и Яве (1-общий список,0-разделенный) у вас в яву нормально заходит? без багов?

абсолютно нормально, а что за баг должен быть, если не секрет?

Добавлено позже (20.7.2007, 14:30):
Цитата(Lwa @ 20.7.2007, 12:59) *

Motorola L9

1483;Отчет о доставке СМС по умолчанию (бит 1276 должен быть выкл) (1-вкл,0-выкл)

странно, у меня отчет включен, хотя 1483 выкл...
Юзер вышелВ друзьяВизиткаП/Я
К началу страницы
сообщение 20.7.2007, 13:24


Группа: Легенды MotoFan.Ru
Сообщений: 10 329
Регистрация: 20.7.2004
Пользователь №: 8 235
Модель телефона: Moto
Прошивка: *#9999#

Все невыспавшиеся в следующей жизни будут котами

Рейтинг: 4362

Цитата(Lwa @ Сегодня, 11:59)

1483;Отчет о доставке СМС по умолчанию

согласен , так и написано
SEEM 0032_0001, Смещ-е B9 h/185d, Бит 3 (Абс.бит 1483):
/* This Feature ID indicates the default value for the receipt report. When it has the value 1 (on), it indicates that the default value for the receipt report is Yes. When it has the value 0 (off), it indicates that the default value for the receipt report is No. */

Цитата(GandjaFuzz @ 1.5.2007, 19:19)

1338;"Сообщение - Настройки - Фильтр по SPAM - 1 вкл 0 выкл"

SEEM 0032_0001, Смещ-е A7 h/167d, Бит 2 (Абс.бит 1338): MSG_SPAM_FILTER_AVAILABLE
/* Spam Messaging Filter will be a flexible feature. The feature availability will be controled by the carrier. * When set is on, upon receiving a new message the terminal will examine the originating number of the received message. If this number matches one stored in the Phonebook, then current behavior will be followed. If the number does not match one stored in the Phonebook or is unavailable, the message will be marked as SPAM. * When set to Off, current behavior will be followed. */

Цитата(GandjaFuzz @ 1.5.2007, 19:19)

1480;"Личные настройки - Заголовки

SEEM 0032_0001, Смещ-е B9 h/185d, Бит 0 (Абс.бит 1480): PERSONALIZE_HEADLINES_AVAILABLE
/* (for 3G Only) If this flex bit is ON, the Headlines menu item will be available. */

Цитата(bigserg555 @ 17.7.2007, 11:39)

Вычислил чтоб при заходе в мультимедиа тел сохранял устройство хранения.Т.е. чтоб отображалось не "ВСЕ" устройства одновременно,а то которое вы раньше выбирали.
Для этого в 32 симе на пересечении строки 0B0 и столбца ОС отключите бит 7.У меня работает.
В P2KAE это бит 1511 - отключаем его.

называется этот бит
SEEM 0032_0001, Смещ-е BC h/188d, Бит 7 (Абс.бит 1511): TRANSPARENT_STORAGE_HOT_SWAP_AVAILABLE
/* This feature id will be used to enable/disable feature 12604 - Transparent Storage with Hot Swap. If value of this feature id is ON then all functionality for support of feature 12604 is enabled. If value of this feature id is OFF then all functionality for support of feature 12604 is disabled. The transparent storage with hotswap feature covers the main use case of supporting the Vodafone transparent storage feature while also having hotswappable removable memory. Transparent storage simply allowed the user to switch the storage devices by having a selectable item in the audio, video, and pictures folder summary list and added combined lists to the native audio, video, and picture viewer applications. It also covers the use cases of removing / inserting the memory card while currently viewing media or java apps. */

и есть куча других интересных битов

1155;"DRM_CONTENT_INSTALL_NOTIFY_AVAILABLE";/* (When flexed on) After the phone receives OMA DRM content file, the OMA DRM app will send the Install-Notify to the server, which trigger the server to send the rights to the phone. Required by VFD-CP-0013-2 */
1156;"BROWSER_SKIP_KJAVA_DOWNLOAD_SIZE_CHECK_AVAILABLE"; While downloading Kjava JAR file, check wheather to compare download file size against the MIDLET-Jar-Size value in the JAD file.
1157;"VODAFONE_LIVECAST_FEATURE_AVAILABLE"; /* Feature Id is to keep the vodafone livecast functionality on the JUIX based phones. */
1158;"SCAN_ON_USER_ACTIVATION_AVAILABLE"/* when user phones clamp or unlocks the screen phone should start scan if it is in no service or emergency state. */
1159;"BLUETOOTH_PRINTING_AVAILABLE";/* To enable/disable the bluetooth printing feature. Bluetooth must be on before enabling this feature. See SUIS at to verify where the Print menu item should show up. */
1160;"BLUETOOTH_IMAGING_AVAILABLE"; /* To enable/disable the bluetooth imaging feature. Bluetooth must be on before enabling this feature. */
1161;"ID_MY_TONES_AVAILABLE"; Enables/Disables the Alert Tone customization feature.
1162;"MMS_BASIC_IMAGE_RESIZE_AVAILABLE"; Flex bit, which determines if image resize feature is present or not.
1163;"MMC_COMBINE_CAMERA_KEY_AVAILABLE"; A long press of the camera key shall activate the video viewfinder, a short press shall activate tha camera viewfinder. In camera/video application a long press shall switch to the other video/camera mode, while a short press capture the image/video.
1164;"BASETRACK_RINGER_AVAILABLE"; Add/Remove the motomixer basetracks (*.bas) from Ring Styles list
1165;"SEND_IN_EMAIL_AVAILABLE"; Functionality in this feature is to make it a flexible option to show email as a viable transport for sending media from camera mode or from multimedia folder
1169;"BROWSER_IMEI_USER_EDITABLE_AVAILABLE"; FOR 3G ONLY: TRS11233 specifies that the user should be able to control whether the IMEI number of the phone be sent to the server along with the vodafone KK user agnet header or not. This feature ID specifies whether the option " IMEI notification" be available for user editing within web access menu -> browser setup or not.
1170;"KJAVA_REMOVABLE_STORAGE_AVAILABLE";"Games&Apps > Menu > Switch storage device (1 on, 0 off)"
1172;"BLUETOOTH_PERMANENT_POWERON_AVAILABLE"; This feature id is to make Bluetooth permanent power on flexiable. If the bit is ON, when the user tries to use Bluetooth and Bluetooth power is off, we will permanently turn BT power on. Otherwise, we will temporarily turn BT power on, which is current behavior.
1173;"UMAN_NETWORK_SELECTION_MENU_AVAILABLE"; This feature id is to make UMA network selection menu flexible. If this bit is ON, Access Point Priority item will show up in Bluetooth Setup menu. Otherwise, there will be no such item in Bluetooth Setup menu.
1174;"BLC_IN_KEYPADLOCKED_AVAILABLE"; If this feature is AVAILABLE then backlight comes when keypad is locked and keypress is done. The backlight timer behaves as per MRS when keypad is locked.
1175;"RECENT_CALL_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether recent call application is available or not.*/
1176;"PH_STATUS_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether Phone Status application is available or not */
1177;"PERSONALIZE_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether Personalize application is available or not. */
1178;"NETWK_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit determines whether Networks Available application is available or not. */
1179;"RING_STYLES_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether Ring Styles application is available or not. */
1180;"SECURITY_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether Security application is available or not. */
1181;"INITIAL_SETUP_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether Initial Set up application available or not */
1182;"BARRED_DIAL_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if feature BDN (Barred Dial) is available */
1183;"MSGS_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether Messages application is available or not */
1184;"CAR_SETTING_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether Car Setting application is available or not. */
1185;"HEADSET_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether HeadSet application is available or not */
1186;"INCOMING_CALL_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether Incoming Call application is available or not */
1187;"IN_CALL_SETUP_AVAILABLE"/* This flex bit is used to determine whether In Call Setup application is available or not */
1188;"PHBK_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether PhoneBook application is available or not */
1189;"SC_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether ShortCuts application is available or not */
1190;"NETWORKJINGLE_MENU_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if the Network Jingle feature is available. When this feature is enable and the network jingle option is ON, then Jingle tone will be played when camped on to particular network. */
1191;"SILENT_MODE_HASH_KEY_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if the silent mode hash key is available Only when the flex bit SILENT_MODE_HASH_KEY_AVAILABLE is set to on, the value of SILENT_VIBRATE_MODE_HASH_KEY takes effect. */
1192;"DISABLE_LINE1_LINE2_INFO_AVAILABLE";/* New feature required to disable display of line1/ line2 info for hutch. If set to off (default), Line 1, Line 2 information will be displayed in InCall dialog.If set to on, Line 1, Line 2 information will not be displayed in InCall dialog */
1193;"SHORTCUT_COLOR_AVAILABLE"; This Feature ID is to check whether MENU + 0 + C + O + L + O + R + S (short cut to Color Style) is available or not. This Feature ID will be turned ON even when the SKINS are needed. If the SKINS are turned ON, then this feature ID will not be reffered. But if the SKINS are turned OFF, then this feature IDs are required.
1194;"WEB_HISTORY_AVAILABLE";"WebAcces > Some missing icons on few flexes (1 show icons, 0 hide them)"
1195;"MULTICALL_AVAILABLE"; This flex bit is used to determine whether active call app is available or not in main menu
1196;"CUSTOMER_POWERDOWN_TONE_AVAILABLE";/* GSM has a state ID POWER_DOWN_TONE and will continue to use same. This feature id is used to play powerdown tone while customer greeting is been displayed. */
1197;"MOTOROLA_POWERDOWN_TONE_AVAILABLE";/* GSM has a state ID POWER_DOWN_TONE and will continue to use same. This feature id is used to play powerdown tone while Motorola greeting is been displayed. */
1198;"WEB_SHORTCUTS_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine whether Web ShortCuts application is available or not. */
1199;"MSLE_AVAILABLE"; This Feature is used to check whether the Lights Main Menu item needs to be shown or not. This is new feature for 3G only.
1200;"SYNCMLDM_AUTOMATIC_SESSIONS_AVAILABLE"; This feature id is used to verify whether the SyncML notification received by the handset should be processed without user intervention (automatically)
1201;"SYNCMLDM_DYNAMIC_URL_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id is used to verify whether the Dynamic URL feature is turned on or not. The Dynamic URL feature allows the operator to update invisible net links on the handset OTA using SyncML DM */
1202;"BROWSER_CLEANUP_EXP_PUSH_AVAILABLE";/* MRS11101 requires Browser to delete all expired push messages from the browser push database. This request is specific to cingular. This bit needs to be turned ON for cingular and turned off for all other customers. */
1203;"PTC_AVAILABLE";/* For 3G only, This feature id is used to enable PTC specific UI features in other synergy applications like phonebook, MMA and ring vib alert application. All these UI features are enabled if value of this feature id is ON */
1204;"CAMERA_ORIENTATION_AVAILABLE"; For GSM, The hardware team can mount the camera in a variety of ways on the product. This field will allow the software to be programmed based on the hardware configuration. If the available flex bit is not present, the software will assume the camera is oriented with the imager right side up. If the flex bit is set to 1, then the orientation should be determined by the DL_DB_FEATURE_ID_CAMERA_ORIENTATION feature ID.
1205;"SYNCML_DM_BOOTSTRAP_USERPIN_AVAILABLE";/* For GSM, FeatureID to check if USERPIN authentication is supported or not during SyncML-DM bootstrap process */
1206;"BARRED_DIAL_LOCK_AVAILABLE";/* For 3G only this flex bit is used to determine if feature BDN (Barred Dial) can be locked or not */
1207;"H3G_PROMPTS_AVAILABLE";/* For 3G only H3G requires Talon to rename 'Datebook' to 'Calendar' and 'Services' to 'Facilities' for both menu and soft key prompts. */
1208;"PHBK_CATEGORY_AVAILABLE"; For 3G only, This flex bit is used to determine if Phonebook Groups feature is availale.
1209;"PHONEBOOK_DELETE_ALL_AVAILABLE";/* Indicate whether Delete All Phonebook Entries feature is available */
1210;"PHONEBOOK_VIDEO_CALL_TYPE_AVAILABLE";/* For 3G only, Indicate whether Video call type is available */
1212;"FOTA_AUTOMATIC_SESSION_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id is used to verify whether the SyncML FOTA download should be processed without user intervention (automatically) */
1213;"ZIP_CODE_TAP_AVAILABLE"; It contains the value OFF or ON depends on which code will be executed.
1214;"BROWSER_RESUME_DOWNLOAD_AVAILABLE";/* This feature-id determines whether browser supports resuming a download or not. */
1215;"MAINMENU_BULLET_LIST_AVAILABLE";/* This Feature is used to check whether main menu list items should be preceded with a bullet than with 15X15 icons or not.*/
1216;"OHS_INBOX_AND_EDITOR_SC_AVAILABLE";/* A flex bit must be created to enable or disable the functionality provided by feature 11175.*/
1217;"KJAVA_WIRELESS_MESSAGING_AVAILABLE";/* For GSM, feature 8472 provides the API for kJava applications to create, send, receive MMS messages (as well as SMS and CBS). The feature 8472 implements JSR205 (Wireless Messaging API (WMA) ver. 1.0.2). */
1218;"MMS_EXT_NOTIF_AVAILABLE";/* For GSM, the display of the text body from notification shall be flex controlled. */
1219;"MMS_NOTIF_REJECT_CSM_AVAILABLE"; For GSM, the 'reject' option for notification messages shall be flex controlled.
1220;"MMS_STORE_FULL_BODY_NOTIF_AS_SMIL_AVAILABLE";/* The feature Id is used to control the format of the message in which a full body will be stored. If flexed ON the format will be a smil message else it will be letter message. */
1221;"SHOW_EXCLUSIVE_HOMEKEYS_APP_AVAILABLE";/* Feature ID to check whether to show the EXCLUSIVE Home Keys Application in the Home Key List or not. */
1222;"256K_COLOR_AVAILABLE";/* To enable UIS allocating YUV surface with ATI, and receive YUV data from MME, resize YUV, etc. When the feature availability is turned off, UIS should request for RGB data from MME, and allocating RGB surface with ATI. When the feature is turned on, we are all using YUV. */
1223;"3DAUDIO_INITIALSETUP_AVAILABLE";/* Spatial Realtime Audio Spatialization for all audio stereo Headsets shall enable spatialized audio as well as sound field control. Spatializing stereo audio preserves left and right separation, to make the sound appear to come from outside the listeners head, while sound field control allows the user to determine how spatialized the audio is. */
1224;"MMC_BASS_BOOST_AVAILABLE"; Bass Boost is a type of circuitry that compensates for weak low frequency response by actively increasing the output of low frequencies. Bass boost is usually centered at around 40 Hz and is expressed in decibels (ex. 12dB @ 40 Hz). This availability bit will indicate that bass boost feature is ON or not. hase 2). This ID should set to On only if DSP supports real time sound stream modifications.
1225;"GET_NUMBER_WITH_ASTERISK_AVAILABLE";/* This feature enables/disables the asterisk symbol parsing from embedded numbers in messages. */
1226;"MMS_DELETE_UNHANDLED_JAVA_MMS_MSGS_AVAILABLE";/* this feature-id is required to determine the handling of Unknown/Unhandled MMS messages. If a downloaded MMS has unknown routing parameters such as the application-id and from-addresses, the message will not be routed to the Java client. Handling this message can be controlled by this feature-id. */
1227;"TELEFONICA_SIM_CARD_DELAY_AVAILABLE";/* Controls delay need to avoid concurrence while reading a message stored in the sim card.(only for GSM products that use CAAP044) */
1228;"CLI_ANALOG_CLOCK_AVAILABLE"; This is the feature id to make the Analog clock feature ON/OFF in Malta CLI.
1229;"VOICE_MESSAGE_AVAILABLE";/* For GSM, this feature Id will support the composition and viewing of Voice MMS Message */
1230;"SECONDARY_CONTEXT_AVAILABLE";/* Secondary PDP context shares the same IP address as the primary PDP context but uses different data channel for data transmission. */
1231;"CMCC_SETTING_LOCK_AVAILABLE";/* The flex bit is used to determine if CMCC Setting Lock application is available. */
1232;"DELAY_ANSWER_AVAILABLE"; This feature will allow the user to delay physically answering the incoming phone call, while still establishing communication with the incoming caller so that the phone call does not go to voice mail.
1233;"SMS_SELECT_STORAGE_AVAILABLE"; This feature is to provide user a choice via settings where the user can choose to store the SMS messages in SIM/USIM or Phone. This feature id is being requested because the user will be able to modify the state of the feature, and the state selected will be stored in this feature id.
1234;"RTP_VAD_AVAILABLE"; This is needed to enable/disable VAD. VAD stands for voice activity detection. If this feature is enabled, then DSP encodes the input signal at a lower average rate by taking speech inactivity into account.
1235;"RTP_COLLISION_CHECK_AVAILABLE";/* This is needed to exclude/include SSRC collision check. SSRC is a field in RTP packet of length 32 bits. This field identifies the source that is generating the RTP packets for this session. */
1236;"FULLSCREEN_PV_TRANSPARENCY_AVAILABLE";/* This Feature ID need for Full Screen Picture Viewer features. Using this Feature ID we may to turn on/off transparency drawing controls inside Full Screen Picture Viewer */
1237;"USB_CHARGE_SETTING_AVAILABLE"; This feature will allow user to select if charging through USB Host is allowed.
1238;"DRM_PREVIEW_NOTIFICATION_AVAILABLE";/* This feature will be used to control appearance of 'Rights consuming confirmation' dialog in the case of downloading a DRM protected content.*/
1239;"MMC_EXTERNAL_PLAYER_AVAILABLE";/* This bit will indicate that an external player is present and the audio player should defeature itself so it will not compete with the 3rd party audio player */
1240;"SIMTK_TELEFONICA_LOC_STATUS_EVENT_AVAILABLE";/* If the feature id is flexed OFF, then SIM TK will handle MNMM_STK_LOCI_IND_ID. If the feature id is flexed ON , then SIM TK will handle MNMM_NREG_IND_ID / MNMM_REG_IND_ID. */
1241;"REMOVE_SS_CNF_TRANSIENT_NOTICE_AVAILABLE";/* As per PCS-13577 the requirement is to remove the transient confirmation notices of successful call related supplementary service operations to make In-Call user Interface more consistent. For this, a feature id is required to have the option of feature available or not. */
1242;"MMC_VIDEO_CAPTURE_PREVIEW_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to indicate whether the user is able to preview a captured video before storing or sending it. */
1243;"VARIABLE_TAP_TIME_AVAILABLE"; This flex bit is used to determine if "Reduced time for cursor movement in TAP" feature is available
1244;"MMC_VP_VIEW_BY_MODE_AVAILABLE"; This feature allows the users to see a thumbnail image that represents their videos in a Video summary view; users have to select CSM from video selection list -> video setup -> View by .
1245;"MMC_VP_THUMB_FOR_VIDEO_RINGERID_AVAILABLE";/* This feature allow the users to see a thumbnail image that represents their videos in a Video summary view when you are associating a video ringer id with a phonebook entry */
1246;"MMC_PV_CAMERA_FOCUS_BRACKET_AVAILABLE"; This setting allows the user to switch on/off the actual displaying of the brackets
1247;"MEDIA_EDITOR_AVAILABLE"; This feature allows the user to edit image/video/audio files (initially images only will be supported).
1248;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_CROP_AVAILABLE"; The Media Editor supports the "Crop" editing operation
1249;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_RESIZE_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Resize" editing operation on images */
1250;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_RED_EYE_REMOVAL_AUTO_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the automatic "Red-eye removal" editing operation
1251;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_RED_EYE_REMOVAL_MANUAL_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the manual "Red-eye removal" editing operation on images. */
1252;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_DISTORT_BLUR_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Blur" distortion editing operation on images. */
1253;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_DISTORT_INFLATE_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Inflate" distortion editing operation on images. */
1254;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_DISTORT_PINCH_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Pinch" distortion editing operation on images. */
1255;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_DISTORT_WHIRL_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Whirl" distortion editing operation on images. */
1256;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_DISTORT_OIL_PAINTING_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Oil Painting" distortion editing operation on images. */
1257;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_ADD_GRAPHIC_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports overlying graphics ontop of images. */
1258;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_ADD_TEXT_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports overlying text ontop of images. */
1259;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_ADD_SOUND_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports adding a sound to an image. */
1260;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_COLOR_CORRECT_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Color Correct" editing operation on images. */
1261;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_AUTO_ENHANCEMENT_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Auto Enhancement" editing operation on images. */
1262;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_GAMMA_CORRECT_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Gamma Correct" editing operation on images. */
1263;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_DISTORTION_CORRECT_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Distortion Correct" editing operation on images. */
1264;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_VIGNETTING_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Vignetting" editing operation on images. (The word "vignetting" is used to indicate a darkening of the image corners in a photographic image). */
1265;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_BRIGHTNESS_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Brightness" editing operation on images.*/
1266;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_CONTRAST_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Contrast" editing operation on images. */
1267;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_BLUR_SHARPEN_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Blur/Sharpen" editing operation on images. */
1268;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_MIRROR_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Mirror" editing operation on images. */
1269;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_ROTATE_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the "Rotate" editing operation on images. */
1270;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_BORDERS_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports the addition of borders to images. */
1271;"MEDIA_EDITOR_IMAGE_STYLES_AVAILABLE"; /* The Media Editor supports changing the style of an image (e.g. "Color" / "Black and White" / "Sepia" etc...) */
1272;"MEDIA_EDITOR_ONSCREEN_TRANSIENT_AVAILABLE"; /* If this flex bit is on, the Media Editor will ,
show a transient notice on OnScreen editing features if they take more than 2 seconds to complete. The notice will contain "Applying edit" in the title, and the current editing operation in the body. A progress bar will also be displayed. */
1273;"FULL_SCREEN_PV_AVAILABLE"; /* This flex bit is used to indicate whether the user is
able to view pictures in fullscreen mode. */
1274;"DISABLE_STYLE_CHANGE_ON_EXTERNAL_POWER_AVAILABLE"; /* Currently, the active ringstyle
changes from vibrate or vibe&ring to loud when external power (charger) is connected and vice-versa when
it is disconnected. This behaviour needs to be disabled for all Vodafone products. That is, connecting/disconnecting charger will have no effect on the active ring style. For this we need a new feature
id which will be flexed ON if disabling style change is required. Thus this flexbit will be ON for all Vodafone products. */
1275;"HOTSWAP_TRANSP_STORAGE_DESCOPED_AVAILABLE"; /* Only for R4.51.3 Malta_VF phone. In this
phone there isn't feature 12604 (which is only for 3G phones). These two features must not coexists in the same phone. For this reason this Feature ID is necessary. This feature is a descoped version of 12604. It
allows the user to view all the files stored both in the internal andexternal memory at the same time (Transparent Storage) and to insert/remove the external card while scrolling trough the list of media files (Hotswap capability). */
1276;"UC_AVAILABLE"; /* Single composer to create SMS and MMS messages */
1277;"UC_SMS_TO_MULTIPLE_BECOMES_MMS_AVAILABLE"; /* If a SMS has multiple destination addresses and State is OFF, it will be handled as SMS. If State is ON, the message will become a MMS message. */
1278;"UC_SHOW_MSG_TYPE_ICONS_AVAILABLE"; /* Show the text icon that indicates the msg type (SMS, EMS or MMS) in the messaging windows. */
1279;"UC_TRANSITION_CONFIRMATION_AVAILABLE"; /* When the message transitions between SMS <==> MMS:Notify the user via a pop-up message with information that the message has changed from SMS to MMS or vice-versa. */
1280;"UC_SIZE_INDICATOR_AVAILABLE"; /* Character counter (or Kb counter in case o MMS) shall be displayed or not. */
1281;"ENHANCED_LIST_SCROLLING_AVAILABLE"; /* The Enhanced List Scrolling Element enables the
user to more easily ascertain their
1282;"EMAIL_OTA_PROV_AVAILABLE";/* Enables/disables OTA Provisioning for Email Client as P2K feature */
1283;"SIMTK_REFRESH_NO_APP_STATE_CHECK_AVAILABLE";/* In the current implementation, whenever a REFRESH proactive command is issued by the SIM and SIM ToolKit App at that time happend to be buzy, then the action corresponding to this command did not take place. But if SIM is O2 then refresh action would take place no matter application was buzy or not. Since this feature is specific to O2, its defult value will be OFF */
1284;"MMC_CAPTURE_MENU_POSITION_AVAILABLE"; This availability bit is used to indicate whether the capture menu position is flexible (enabled) or fixed (disabled). This applies to the "New Picture" and "New Video" menu items, as well as the "New Audio" item once audio capture is implemented.
1285;"MMC_SEND_AND_STORE_OPTION_AVAILABLE";/* This feature is used for changing prompts of the right softkey and the title of store option menu for Picture Capture and Video Capture applications. */
1286;"OMADRM_EXTEND_ACTIVATION_CONFIRMATION_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit should control of displaying 'Extend Activation' confirmation when user want to extend license for seperate delivery OMA DRM (Open Mobile Alliance Digital Rights Management) file. */
1287;"OMADRM_SECURE_TIME_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit should indicate availability of secure time source for OMA DRM (Digital Rights Management). This bit should have same value as DL_DB_FEATURE_ID_NITZ_AVAILABLE bit. */
1288;"USE_NON_FILESYSTEM_TONES_AVAILABLE";/* The DSP chip on the San2rini phone, on which the PTT is supported, currently can only play Non File system tones (CTG+Vibrate) for PTT Alert. So, the PTT "Ring Styles" option on the phone should show only these Ring Styles to the User for PTT. This Feature ID is used to decide whether to display only the Non File System Tones or to use all the ring tones for PTT Alert settings. */
1289;"AIRPLANE_MODE_AVAILABLE";"Settings > Airplane Mode (1 on, 0 off)"
1290;"AIRPLANE_MODE_PROMPT_ON_POWERUP_AVAILABLE";"Settings > Airplane Mode > Prompt At Startup (1 on, 0 off)"
1291;"PHBK_SEND_CONTACT_AVAILABLE";/* This feature is available in 3G only. This is required for GSM Malta. About this feature, when viewing a contact from the Phonebook, the options list must include Send Contact. By selecting this option the user is presented with a dropdown list of text message, multimedia message and email. The contact is to be included in the message body. */
1292;"VIB_THEN_RING_AVAILABLE"; As per MRS 8219 a new feature for "Simultaneous Ring and Vibrate" was introduced in the "ring styles" application. The existing feature "Vibrate then Ring" is available on GSM, but not supported on 3G and needs flex control to turn it off both on GSM and 3G.
1293;"CMCC_MYFAVORITE_AVAILABLE";/* "Myfavorite" is the new name for the existing "Media Centre" per CMCC requirement 12895, and a new folder "MMS Card" will also be created under "Myfavorite", this flex bit is used to determine if this feature is available. */
1294;"CMCC_LUNARCALENDAR_AVAILABLE";/* Per CMCC requirement 12899, the Chinese Lunar Calendar will be show together with the existing English Calendar, and the user can On/Off it manually by menu item. This flex bit is used to determine if the Lunar Calendar feature is available. */
1295;"CMCC_CUSTOMIZATION_AVAILABLE";/* Per CMCC requirement 12893, there are several carrier specific Menu Bundles in the Main Menu. This flex bit is used to determine if the CMCC Customization feature is available. */
1296;"WVIM_MC_AVAILABLE"; If the WVIM Messenger item will be available in the Message Center List.
1297;"VF_NONDRM_ALERT_BLK_AVAILABLE";/* 1) The following files shall not be able to be set as alert tones. 1) Non-OMA DRM files containing MP3, AAC/AAC+/AAC+e content. 2) OMA DRM count constrained files containing MP3, AAC/AAC+/AAC+e content. When bit is 1, the feature is available, then 1 and 2 above (like mp3 / aac) will NOT be available as rington; when 0, the feature is off, mp3 / aac will be available as ringtone. */
1298;"EMAIL_SPAM_FILTER_AVAILABLE"; Enables/disables SPAM filter for email messages as P2K feature
1299;"CMCC_MMSCARDS_AVAILABLE";/* "Myfavorite" is the new name for the existing "Media Centre" per CMCC requirement 12895, and a new folder "MMS Card" will also be created under "Myfavorite", this flex bit is used to determine if MMS card application is available */
1300;"SINGLELINE_QUICKVIEW_NOT_REMOVED_BY_END_AVAILABLE";/* This feature ID will enable or disable feature 13163 in Messaging Application. When this feature is ON, single line quickview messages won't be deleted from idle screen by pressing the END key. */
1301;"MMC_PV_VIEW_BY_MODE_AVAILABLE"; /* This feature allows the users to see a thumbnail image that represents their pictures in a Picture summary view; users have to select CSM from picture viewer selection list -> Picture setup -> View by . */
1302;"STOP_BG_AUDIO_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id will be set in the flex files depending on the what kind of functionality the customer wants. This will be flexed as 1 if the customer wants the background audio to stop always when the incoming ringer is set to silent of vibrate for calls or messages. This will be flexed as 0 if the customer wants the background audio to always continue play when the incoming ringer is set to silent of vibrate for calls or messages. */
1303;"MMC_VP_FULLSCREEN_AVAILABLE";/* Flex bit which determines whether full screen video playback is available or not. */
1304;"MMC_VP_ZOOM_AVAILABLE";/* Flex bit which determines whether zoom in portrait video playback is available or
1305;"PTT_AUTOMATIC_PRESENCE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id determines if automatic presence feature is available or not. */
1306;"PTT_MANUAL_PRESENCE_ON_PHONE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id determines if On the Phone presence setting is available or not. */
1307;"PTT_MANUAL_PRESENCE_ON_DATA_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id determines if On a data session presence setting is available or not. */
1308;"PTT_MANUAL_PRESENCE_OUTOF_OFFICE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id determines if Out of Office presence setting is available or not. */
1319;"PTT_MANUAL_PRESENCE_DONOT_DISTURB_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id determines if do not disturb presence setting is available or not. */
1310;"PTT_MANUAL_PRESENCE_BUSY_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id determines if Busy presence setting is available or not.*/
1311;"PTT_PRESENCE_ON_PHONE_ISDND_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id determines if presence setting On the phone is flexed to be a DND setting. A presence setting flexed to be DND (Do Not Disturb) setting shall behave as a "Do Not Disturb" presence state. */
1312;"PTT_PRESENCE_ON_DATA_ISDND_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id determines if On Data presence setting is flexed to be a DND setting.A presence setting flexed to be DND (Do Not Disturb) setting shall behave as a "Do Not Disturb" presence state. */
1313;"PTT_PRESENCE_OUTOF_OFFICE_ISDND_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id determines if out of office presence setting is flexed to be a DND setting.A presence setting flexed to be DND (Do Not Disturb) setting shall behave as a "Do Not Disturb" presence state */
1314;"PTT_PRESENCE_BUSY_ISDND_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id determines if Busy presence setting is flexed to be a DND setting.A presence setting flexed to be DND (Do Not Disturb) setting shall behave as a "Do Not Disturb" presence state. */
1315;"EMAIL_INET_AVAILABLE";/* Enables/disables iNet items in Email CSM as P2K feature. */
1316;"POPUP_WIDGETS_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine the editor mode when the Alternates Line in iTAP entry method must be replaced by Popup List and Popup Matrix UI elements for "Advanced Predictive Text Input - iTAP 6.2" feature. */
1317;"CMCC_HOTMESSAGE_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if "Hot Messages" folder is available or not as described in the TRS12896. */
1318;"JAPAN_EMAIL_FORMAT_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id will support storing of special format email address(es) for Japan - Vodafone Japan request */
1319;"BROWSER_DD_ALL_MIME_VALID_AVAILABLE";/* Vodafone requires that if a DD file( Download descriptor, which is describes the type and size of the content) has more than one and upto 3 mime types, that all the mime types be checked for acceptabily. If any of the mime type is not supported by the phone then download should be aborted immediately. */
1320;"BROWSER_CHANGE_ACCESS_POINT_PRIORITY_AVAILABLE";/* This feature-id determines whether user has the option of changing access point priority when in UMA mode. */
1321;"CONTACT_ADDRESS_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id will determine if the postal address is supported by the phonebook or not.*/
1322;"WIZARD_DIALOG_AVAILABLE";/* Help Wizard Dialog on Power up feature available. The availability bit is used to check if the feature is ON or OFF. So this will be flexible. */
1323;"PTT_VOICE_CALL_INVOCATION_AVAILABLE";/* This feature indicates if a Voice call invocation shall be made available to the user when a PTT call fails. */
1324;"ONE_CLICK_ACCESS_MSG_EDITOR_AVAILABLE";/* This feature ID will be used to determine the availability (ON or OFF) of the feature 1-Click Access to Message Editor (TRS 9797 / SUIS 9797), which permits the user to access the Message Editor for creating a SMS/EMS/MMS/Email directly from Idle screen by pressing Message Editor Homekey or Softkey.*/
1325;"CMCC_MSG_SORTING_AVAILABLE";/* Enable or disable the ability of sort the messages in INBOX folder by type */
1326;"VOICEMAIL_40_DIGITS_AVAILABLE";/* Enable/disable Voicemail 40 digits support */
1327;"VST_VOICE_ENABLED_PTT_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id will communicate if the PTT Voice Enabled Feature is available. This is added functionality to the existing VST feature and will be a customer specific request to enable or disable it. */
1328;"MMS_PHONEBOOK_NAME_REPLACEMENT_AVAILABLE";/* When we are viewing details screen in the message viewer the phone number(s)/email address(es)in the To/Cc/Bcc fields are sent to the phonebook. If any of the phone number(s) / email address(es) is present in some contact the name of the contact is returned otherwise the phone number(s) / email address(es) is returned as it is in the response from phonebook.The response string from the phone book is displayed as To/Cc/Bcc fields in the details screen. */
1329;"MMS_H3G_LAUNCH_URL_AVAILABLE";/* While reading a message in smil viewer, if any Url is present in the message, the RSK should display "Go To Link". If there is only single URL is present ,pressing "Go To Link" should launch browser directly. And if there are multiple URLs then pressing "Go To Link" should take user to a scrollable list, where RSK should be SELECT and LSK should be CANCEL. */
1330;"BROWSER_REMOVE_INTERMEDIATE_CSS_RELAYOUT_AVAILABLE";/* For 3G only. This feature allows relayouting of the document to be deferred until allCSS and image fetcheare completed. Currently browser does a relayout when all the CSS is fecthed and once again when all the images are fetched. Now if this feature ID is ON then browser will not do the relayout on getting all the css.The relayout will happen when all the images and css are fetched. */
1331;"PICTBRIDGE_AVAILABLE";/* Whether or not the PictBridge printing feature is available. The PictBridge feature allows for direct image printing over USB (no personal computer needed) with PictBridge compliant printers. */
1332;"MMC_PV_FEATURE_PICTURE_EXIF_AVAILABLE";/* This feature turn OF or ON thumbnail generation support. */
1333;"DPOF_AVAILABLE";/* Whether or not the DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) printing feature is available. This feature allows users to print images off of their memory cards after inserting them into DPOF compliant printers. The printing parameters are stored on the memory card along with the images to print. */
1334;"NOTEPAD_MENU_ITEM_AVAILABLE";/* Notepad is a menu item shown in Recent call main menu. Now vodafone Spaine dont want this feature because of some security concerns. This menu item has to be made flexible in order to flex it off for VF spain. */
1335;"MMC_PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD_AVAILABLE";/* This bit will indicate if the progressive download
feature is available or not. Progressive Download allows the user to view a multimedia file (video/audio) as it is being downloaded. */
1336;"MMC_PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD_STORE_AVAILABLE";/* This bit will indicate whether the operator would like the mobile phone to offer the ser the option to store the progressively downloaded file to the
phone. */
1337;"ANM_AVAILABLE";/* This is for the Automatic Noise Masking (ANM) feature in a call which is an advancement to the currently existing Automatic Voulem Control ( AVC ). This feature id will be set in the flex files depending on the what kind of algorithm the phone can support for noise control. This will be flexed
as 1 if the new ANM support is available. This will be flexed as 0 if old AVC feature is supported. */

1338;"MSG_SPAM_FILTER_AVAILABLE";/* Spam Messaging Filter will be a flexible feature. The feature availability will be controled by the carrier. * When set is on, upon receiving a new message the terminal will
examine the originating number of the received message. If this number matches one stored in the Phonebook, then current behavior will be followed. If the number does not match one stored in the Phonebook or is unavailable, the message will be marked as SPAM. * When set to Off, current behavior will
be followed. */
1339;"MSG_SPAM_NOTIFICATION_AVAILABLE";/* The decision of notifying or not the user of new spam messages will be flexible, and controlled by the carrier. The new Feature Id will store this setting.* When Available, upon receiving a new message identified as spam, a new message notification dialog will be shown.* When Unavailable, upon receibing a new message identified as spam, the new message icon in the status bar will be displayed, the new message dialog will not be displayed and the alert tone will not be played. */
1340;"SYNCMLDM_POC_AVAILABLE";/* The OTA-P PoC feature adds the capability to provision client-server
applications via the OMA Device Management (DM) protocol.If this flex bit is disabled or If the PoC application has been flexed off (i.e PTT_AVAILABLE is flexed off) at the factory, the OMA DM service SHALL
return error message. If this flex bit is enabled and If the PoC application is subsequently flexed on (OTA
Flex or Device Flex), regardless whether PTT is turned on or off, the OMA DM service SHALL provide provisioning service to the PoC application. */
1341;"CB_DISPLAY_BACKLIGHT_KEEP_OFF_AVAILABLE";/* This feature ID will enable or disable feature
9675 in Messaging Application. When this feature is ON, display backlight won't be turned on when a CB
message arrives and the QuickView storage and channel options won't appear in the Setup. */
1342;"RIGHTS_OBJECTS_ALERTS_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if feature "Rights Objects Time Based Alert" (12072) not available on the phone. */
1343;"OMADRM_LICENSE_AUTO_DELETE_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if 'auto delete' functionality in feature 11050 is available or not available on the phone. */
1344;"UC_MANUAL_MSG_CHANGE_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if the manual mode to
change message type from SMS to MMS and vice versa is supported in Unified Composer for operators who
are not still ready for Unified Composing for SMS and MMS. When the value is ON, the user will be shown menu option to change the message type to MMS from SMS and vice versa (if the message still qualifies to be SMS). When the value is OFF, the automatic mechanism to determine messge type shall be used. */
1345;"BROWSER_PROGRESSIVE_DWNLD_VIA_OMA_DWNLD_AVAILABLE";/* The master feature-id for this
feature: MMC_PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD_AVAILABLE is to determine whether handset supports

progressive download/playing while downloading/etc, where as this feature-id is to determine whether
browser supports progressive download through OMA download (download descriptor) mechanism or not.
This feature-id is required to avoid billing problems operators may face. Behavior: OFF – handset allows
user to download the file, but does not allow viewing its content while downloading. ON – handset allows user to download the file and also allows viewing its content while downloading. In both cases, handset allows user to download the file, but depends on the option user may get to see its content. */
1346;"THEMES_MINI_PREVIEW_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id will be used to enable/disable theme scrolling
mini-preview in feature 12863 - If value of this feature id is ON then theme minipreview of feature 12863 is enabled. */
1347;"THEME_INSTALLED_COMPONENTS_VISIBLE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id will be used to decide if theme components shall be installed to their correspondent visible or hidden location: - If the feature is ON
then theme components will be installed to phone visible location. - if the feature is set to OFF then theme
components will be installed to phone hidden location. */
1348;"PERS_DATESETTINGS_AVAILABLE";/* At present Date is always displayed on Idle Screen. There is no option to the phone user to Hide/Show the date on Idle screen. This feature will allow the phone user to Hide/Show the Date on Idle Screen. */
1349;"MMC_AUDIO_CAPTURE_AVAILABLE";/* Determines whether the ”Update Voice Memo to Generic Audio Capture” feature (commonly known as ”Audio Capture”) is available. When enabled, this feature replaces the voice notes application. In such a case, the voice notes app will be either compiled off or flexed off, depending on the customer's requirements.*/
1350;"AUDIO_CAPTURE_QUALITY_AVAILABLE";/* Indicates whether the audio capture quality values are stored in the FeatureDatabase. If set to Off the application will default to the ”Medium” quality setting.*/
1351;"AUDIO_CAPTURE_LENGTH_AVAILABLE";/* Indicates whether the audio capture length values are stored in the Feature Database. If set to OFF then the application will default to the "MMS" capture length. */
1352;"AUDIO_CAPTURE_LENGTH_BASED_AVAILABLE";/* The capture length values can be specified in either 1) number of seconds, or 2) total captured file size. This bit indicates how to interpret the capture length values. A value of Off (0) means that the capture length values represent the total file size in bytes. A value of On (1) means the capture length values represent the total capture duration in seconds. */
1353;"KJAVA_SETTINGS_CORELET_AVAILABLE";/* Shows that Setup Home Screen is serviced by KJAVA CORElet or by native Personalize application. In case if it is ON then KJAVA Settings CORElet will be started on pressing "SETUP HOME" LSK, or from Setup Home item of Personalize application. If KJAVA is not ready to start CORElet at that time (bootup) - then a transient notice "Please Try Later" will be shown. If the feature is set to OFF then no notice will be shown, and old Native Setup Home Screen of Personalize app will be used */
1354;"EDGE_MM_CONCURRENCY_AVAILABLE";/* This feature is for managing the DSP limitation of the not being able to do EDGE (E-GPRS) and Multimedia simultaneously. With this change, we will be able to manage whether we can do FULL EDGE ( no PTT or Multimedia audio) or EDGE PTT( PTT call active) or GPRS ( Multimedia active )*/
1355;"NITZ_NETWORK_NAME_AVAILABLE";/* If this feature ID is flexed ON NITZ: Network Identity and Time Zone name updated via GMM or MM (stack) would be displayed, if flexed OFF, the network name
should not be displayed */
1356;"BROADCAST_LCC_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if Live!cast support is
available on the device. If BROADCAST_LCC_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE is set to ON then it means live cast is
available else live cast is not available on the device. This is not dependent on basic cell broadcast [GENERA
L_CELL_BROADCAST_AVAILABLE"; ] ; basic cell broadcast and live!Cast use different channel ranges on the cellbroadcast service */
1357;"BROADCAST_ADM_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if Alternate Delivery Mechanism is available in the device for receiving live!cast messages. If BROADCAST_ADM_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE"; is set to ON then it mean s that Alternate Delivery Mechanism is
available in the device for receiving livecast messages. This is not dependent on basic cell broadcast [GENERAL_CELL_BROADCAST_AVAILABLE"; ] ; the ADM protocol is a UDP based protocol and works independent of cellbraodcast */
(WVIM presence will not be integrated with Phonebook App) PP_PHBK_WVIM_PRESENCE_AVAILABLE_ON
= 1 (WVIM presence will be integrated with Phonebook App) */
(PTT presence will not be integrated with Phonebook App) "PP_PHBK_PTT_PRESENCE_AVAILABLE_ON = 1 (PTT presence will be integrated with Phonebook App) */
1360;"SYNCMLDM_WVIM_PROVISIONING_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id will support that IM parameters are provisioned over the air by a DM server. Flex On: Enable the OTA IM provisioning. Carriers are able to change the IM parameters OTA. Flex Off: Do not enable the OTA IM provisioning. Carriers are not able to change the IM parameters OTA. */
1361;"OPPROF_AVAILABLE";/* This is an availibility bit for the availability of the Operational Profiling
feature. The Operational Profiling feature records the duration or the number of times a user action is performed(like connecting a usb cable, making a call, connecting a headset etc) in the file system of the
phone. This file can be retrieved at a later date for analysis. */
1362;"HZ_INFO_ON_EXTERNAL_DISPLAY_AVAILABLE";/* If this feature ID is flexed ON HZ (HomeZone) indicator (icon + tag) shall be put up on an (96 x80) external display, not otherwise. The status icon shall be placed in External Display Area 4 -'Roaming Indicator' within Roam_Status. The status tag shall be displayed
on Line 2 on the External Display in place of the date. */
1363;"EXCHG_ACTIVE_SYNC_AVAILABLE";/* This flex value is used to determine whether the Exchange Active Sync Feature is available on the handset. This feature provides OTA synchronization of Contacts, Calendar and Email with an Exchange 2003 Server.*/
1364;"SELECT_NETWORK_PROMPT_AVAILABLE";/* Confirm with user if he wants to select a new network before displaying the Available netowrks list after a background scan completes.*/
1365;"AUTOUPDATE_TIME_ONLY_AVAILABLE";/* This new feature id is used to check if the option of "Time only" should be displayed in the Initial Setup -> Time and Date -> Autoupdate list. */
1366;"MMS_MMBOX_SERVER_MAIL_LIST_AVAILABLE";/* Only needed for Compilation purpose. MMBox
offers the MT user a persistent message store on the network for incoming messages; new incoming messages on a MMS MT client, get automatically getstored on the MMBox server in the network. MMS-R then sends a notification message to the MT client which will be stored in the MMBox. MT User will be able to request list messages stored in the MMBox.*/
1367;"MMS_MMBOX_NETWORK_FORWARD_AVAILABLE";/* Only needed for Compilation purpose. MMBox offers the MT user to perform network based forwarding without downloading the entire MMS to the client. The message is forwarded directly off by the MMBox*/
1368;"WORLDCLOCK_AVAILABLE";/* This would decide the availability of the world clock */
1369;"WORLDCLOCK_LOCK_AVAILABLE";/* World Clock Application can be locked/unlocked */
1370;"BIND_RIGHTS_TO_USR_ID_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if feature "Binding Rights Object to User Identity" (11680) is available or not available on the phone.*/
1371;"BIND_RIGHTS_TO_USR_ID_DIALOGS_AVAILABLE";/* This flex bit is used to determine if feature "Binding Rights Object to User Identity" (11680) Other IMSI Delete Dialogs are available or not availableon the phone per carrier request.*/
1372;"ONE_TIME_MATCH_PHBK_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id will support match to phonebook only one time when msg is stored in database. Flex On: Enable match to phonebook one time when msg is stored in database. Flex Off: Keep the current rules for match to phonebook.*/
1373;"SORT_TIME_OLD_TO_NEW_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id will support sort msgs by time , from old msg to new one. Flex On: Enable sort of msg by time from old to new one. Flex Off: Keep sort of msg by time from new to old one.*/
1374;"STICK_MODE_SORT_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id will support stick mode for sort criteria when the
user leaves the folder Flex On: Enable stick mode for sort criteria when the user leaves the folder Flex Off: Reset the sort criteria to timestamp when the user leaves the folder */
1375;"SORT_BY_UNREAD_MSGS_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id will support sort msg by unread mgs. Flex
On: Enable option to sort msg by unread mgs in msg folder Flex Off: Desable option to sort msg by unread mgs in msg folder The current sorting criteria will be saved in Message database and the preset will not be able by flex. */
1376;"SORT_BY_PRIORITY_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id will support sort msg by priority. Flex On: Enable option to sort msg by priority mgs in msg folder Flex Off: Desable option to sort msg by priority mgs in msg folder The current sorting criteria will be saved in Message database and the preset will not be able by flex.*/
1377;"SORT_BY_ATTACH_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id will support sort msg by attachment. Flex On: Enable option to sort msg by attachment mgs in msg folder Flex Off: Desable option to sort msg by attachment mgs in msg folder The current sorting criteria will be saved in Message database and the preset will not be able by flex */
1378;"SORT_BY_MSG_TYPE_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id will support sort msg by typet. Flex On: Enable option to sort msg by type mgs in msg folder Flex Off: Desable option to sort msg by type mgs in msg folder The current sorting criteria will be saved in Message database and the preset will not be able by flex.*/
1379;"SORT_BY_ADDRESS_SUBJECT_AVAILABLE";/* This feature Id will support sort msg by address or subject. Flex On: Enable option to sort msg by address or subject in msg folder Flex Off: Desable option to sort msg by address or subject in msg folder The current sorting criteria will be saved in Message database and the preset will not be able by flex. */
1380;"ACCESS_POINT_PRIORITY_LOCK_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id indicates Access Point Priority Application Lock is Available or Not */
1381;"COMBINED_VIEW_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id will determine if the combined view feature is supported by phone book or not.*/
1382;"LOCK_APP_AVAILABLE";/* For common component compilation support only. This flex bit is used to
determine if pim lock feature is available. PIM lock feature will replace existing lock application. If this feature is available, security menu will have two items, lock application and lock application set up. lock
application set up will have a multiple selection editor picker in which user can select multiple applications to
be locked. Lock application will have a value on/off. If user selects lock app value on, all selected
applications in lock app set up menu will be locked.If PIM lock feature is not available, lock appplication and lock application set up menu items will not be displayed in security menu and user won't be able to lock/unlock any applications.*/
1383;"ZODIAC_AVAILABLE";/* The feature id:ZODIAC_AVAILABLE"; will be used to indicate whether the
zodiac is available in the phonebook or not. This feature id was required due to the TM CR: LIBff83570.

Following is the proposal given in the TM CR LIBff83750. Support for Zodiac field SHALL be felxible and
depend on regional usage of zodiac calendar based on months. Support of Zodiac calendar SHALL be limited to western Zodiac (monthly) Zodiac sign SHALL be automatically calculated based on birthday. If user has not populated birthday field, Zodiac SHALL not appear.So if any region does not follow the western zodiac
(such as the eastern countries), this zodiac should be flexed off. For example there is no support for yearly zodiac which is followed in the East. So for Chinese, the zodiac field should be flexed off. Due to this, this feature id ZODIAC_AVAILABLE is needed.*/
1384;"VFCAST_FEATURE_AVAILABLE";/* For common component compilation support only. This feature

provides support for the Vodafone Casting service - which allows the User to subscribe to content services

that are delivered over-the-air to the Phone out of peak usage hours eg:3- 7am (or any other time set by the Casting Server).This Feature ID is used to indicated that this feature is available or not.When this feature id bit is set then a new menu item will be available in Entertainment menu list as "Casting". This feature enables us to download Multipart/Mixed contents and store in the phone. */
1385;"VFCAST_LOCK_AVAILABLE";/* For common component compilation support only. This Feature ID is
used to indicates that VF casting will have locking feature is available or not. If this is set then a list element
will be available in the Lock Application list in Security app, where user can lock the casting application.
Once casting application is Locked the when user invokes Casting app the application will prompt to enter
unlock code. */
1386;"FASTTRACK_DOWNLOAD_AVAILABLE";/* This feature availability bit will be used by the FastTrack content handler (FTCH), media player (MMA) and browser download agent (BDA) to be able to support
FastTrack Download feature (feature number 8742). When flexed on, these components shall execute appropriate code to support the feature. When flexed off, FastTrack Download is not handled by the phone.*/

1387;"RESUME_PROGRESSIVE_DOWNLOAD_AVAILABLE";/* This feature availability bit will be used by FastTrack Content Handler to be able to determine whether resume download is supported or not for FastTrack Download (feature number 8742). When flexed on, the download agent shall execute appropriate
code to support the resuming of suspended or interrupted downloads. When flexed off, resuming of
suspended downloads is not supported. */

1388;"CONTINUOUS_PLAYBACK_BUFFERING_AVAILABLE";/* This feature availability bit will be used by the media player (MMA) for the progressive download feature. When flexed on, the media player shall buffer
downloaded content until enough content has been received such that the entire content can be rendered without emptying the buffer. When flexed off, downloaded content is rendered as soon as it is received (also known as fast start buffering). */
1389;"SYNCMLDM_DEFAULT_BROWSER_MMS_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id decides whether after adding a web session or MMS setup, whether the newly added setting(via SyncML DM) should be made as default.*/
1390;"MESSAGE_TYPE_SCREEN_FOR_UC_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id indicates feature 15285 is available or not on the phone. A Message Ttype screen (with options to create message) must be presented to the user if feature is ON. If it is off, the "create message" options in msg center will go direct to msg editing. */
1391;"MMC_INT_FULLSCREEN_AVAILABLE";/* For 3G only. Internal sensor fullscreen viewfinder capability for photo camera. Feature value 1 indicates internal sensor is mapped to full screen size. Value 0 indicates the sensor is mapped to partial screen size.*/
1392;"MMC_EXT_FULLSCREEN_AVAILABLE";/* For 3G only. External sensor fullscreen viewfinder capability for photo camera. Feature value 1 indicates external sensor is mapped to full screen size. Value 0 indicates the sensor is mapped to partial screen size.*/
1393;"MMS_NONASCII_SUPPORT_NOT_AVAILABLE";/* This feature id is required to determine whether media having Special characters ( Ascii value more than 0x80) in filenames could be sent according to latest WSP specs. If the feature id MMS_NONASCII_SUPPORT_NOT_AVAILABLE is set to 1, MMS is sent by removing the preceding double quote in filenames according to old WSP spec. If the feature id is set to 0 , MMS is sent with a double quote preceding filenames according to latest WSP specs. By default it should be OFF such that MMS is sent according to latest WSP specs. */
1394;"FORCE_STORAGE_TO_FLASH_AVAILABLE";/* FORCE_STORAGE_TO_FLASH_AVAILABLE=1 - force all media downloads to internal memory. Store camera and MMA list view settings in SEEM. =0 Disabled.*/

все эти биты уже выложил RekGRpth в теме Расшифровка Seem-файлов
в формате .csv - качайте и заменяйте его в папке P2KAE и все эти описания от моторола
всё работает на новых моделях, главное их сочетание.

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